- Rewritten mappers : All - Rewritten WRAM, VRAM, PRGROM, CHROM and Nametebles management - Rewritten FDS support - Furthermore, an option has been added to select the mode for write operations. Until now, all writes were stored on an external file (diff file) to preserve the integrity of the disk image, now it's possible to choose to write them directly to the FDS/QD file (making it portable to other emulators as well) - Changed the format of the diff file, now I use the IPS format (which can always be applied to the original image) - Rewritten the format and management of save states. WARNING save states of version 0.110 or earlier are no longer compatible - Rewritten the audio of the VRC7. Implemented the project "A YM2413 emulator written in C" of okaxaki - Rewritten NSF player. Added support to NSF2 format - Added the ability to configure shortcuts and the NES pad from the command line - Added support to Quick Disk format - Added an option for RAM initialization - Added a screen icon that shows when fast forward is active - Added the possibility to set default values for PPU overclocking to be applied for all roms in addition to the per-game ones already used - Added Arabic translation - Added Polish translation - Added full support for the NES 2.0 header format - Added video filter : "NTSC CRT LMP88959" and "NTSC NES LMP88959" - Added video filter : "PAL CRT LMP88959" and "PAL NES LMP88959" - Added support to mapper : 100, 122, 157, 170, 272, 291, 311, 334, 354, 362, 366, 384, 421, 446, 471, 517, 551, 552, 555, 561 - Added support to UNIF mapper : Transformer, UNROM, AMROM, AOROM, LH09, A60AS, T4A54A, FC-28-5027, 150in1A, 212-HONG-KONG, GKCXIN, 113in1JY110, 820561C, M2C52A, S-2009 - Added full support for the Detach Barcode Reader of mapper 157 - Added support for FFmpeg 6.x libraries - Added support for nes20db.xml and dip.cfg - Added full support for Vs System (UniSystem and DualSystem) - Added a screen icon that shows when Fast Forwarding is active - In Fullscreen the menu bar can be accessed by moving the mouse over the top of the screen - Updated Italian, Chinese, French, Hungarian, Portuguese and Russian translation - Changed the "Toggle menu bar" shortcut to ESC - Windows x86_64: Update to Qt5 5.15.8 - Fixed the management of keyboard input - Fixed map of one keyboard button to multiple controllers - Fixed FDS wavetable pitch - Fixed patching of IPS files - Fixed crackling sound when audio is enabled/disabled - Fixed Meta button recognition on some keyboard layouts - Fixed many many many other bugs
Игры Super Nintendo (SNES)
» Эмуляция Nintendo Switch 05:28
» Пиратская бухта. Некачественные прохождения. 00:41
» [NES] Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones 00:37
» Некачественные прохождения игр серии Jurassic Park 00:24
» Вопросы по покупке телевизора. 00:06
» Пройденные игры 00:03
» Совместное прохождение игр c участием Ниндзя 23:50
» PCem - эмулятор старого PC-железа 22:46
» [ALL] Вопросы новичков 22:23
» Все о Ubisoft 21:02
» Аркадный джойстик 20:31
» РГБ модификация ЭЛТ телика 20:17
» Картридж Кластера (Многоигровочка Кластера) или CoolGirl 19:41
» [ALL] CHEATS & MODS 19:33
» [SNES] Super Famicom помогите пожалуйста починить, нет изображения 19:06