Added - New app icon - New animated background in user interface - PowerVR DMA support (Sonic Shuffle, Simple2000 Series) - PowerVR fog support - 32-bit support for Android - GL ES 3.x support for Android - AArch32 and AArch64 JITs for Android - Built in fps counter - Automatic frame skipping - Reset binds option in input menu - Support for Nintendo Switch Joy Cons - Automatic library directory scanning - Touch screen suppport - Virtual gamepad input device - Save state support Changed - Mac builds are now distributed as app bundles - Mac builds now write out internal files to ~/Library/Application Support/redream - Make options save before shutting down in the off-chance that there's a crash during shutdown - Improved per-strip accuracy - Optimized texture conversion routines - Lowered per-pixel requirement to GL 4.3+ / GL ES 3.2+ - Improved framebuffer presentation accuracy and raw framebuffer write detection - Numerous rendering performance improvements as a result of Android optimizations - Improved AMD rendering performance when using per-pixel sorting. RX 480 at 1440p x 64 layers improved from ~50 fps to ~190 fps in Sonic Adventure main menu - Avoid persisting the pc to the context as frequently - Avoid persisting the cycle count to the context as frequently - Avoid unnecessary page permission changes when applying memory watches - Inline hot MMIO paths - Inline constants during code compilation - Added constant materialization optimization pass - Reduce register pressure in MACL / MACW operations - Use floating-point instructions for floating-point data transfers to reduce redundant SH4 context accesses - Run at a fixed 60hz in the UI - Improved indexing of disc box art - Raised maximum input devices to 32 - Refactored virtual memory system to work with only a 29-bit address space - Filter out single-session CDIs in the UI which require a boot disc to use - Improved frame pacing and performance by tightening up the audio and video sync - Turbo button is now a toggle Fixed - SLEEP instruction not waking correctly (Psyvariar 2, Shikigami no Shiro II) - Linux build unnecessarily linking with optional libraries (libXinerama, etc) - Linux build using the incorrect directory for internal files when using a symlink - Mac build flashing on startup when fullscreen - More robust self-modifying code detection (Shenmue, Shenmue II) - More robust culling of degenerate vertices (Wacky Races, Soul Calibur, Headhunter) - Artifacts along the 1-pixel edge of the viewport in some games - Garbage data outside of the viewport in games attempting to compensate for overscan - Numerous HLE BIOS issues (MSR, 2K sports games) - Corrected TOC for GDI and CHD disc images, fixes missing audio tracks in BIOS music player (MDK2) - Crash when the texture cache reset mid-game in libraries with more than 512 games - Incorrect polygon winding for background plane (MDK2) - Geist Force hanging during intro - Jet Set Radio crashing during graffiti free paint - Pro Pinball Trilogy hanging on boot - Monaco Grand Prix hang on startup - NHL 2K2 hanging in the main menu - NHL 2K2 pause menu rendering - Slave Zero failing to boot - Toe Jam and Earl crash on startup - Audio clicking in Sonic Adventure menus - Music in MDK2 and Stupid Invaders not playing - Music in Maken X cutting out during intro and beeping - Music in Walt Disney World Quest not pausing in menus - Music in Test Drive Le Mans going off the rails after ~10 minutes of play

Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero
Игры Super Nintendo (SNES)
» Everdrive N8 (China ver) JACK DIY 21:16
» Вопросы по покупке ультрабука 21:03
» Форум и сайт: предложения/пожелания 20:59
» Подключение джойстиков к порту расширения Famicom 20:39
» Какое у вас авто, о каком мечтаете? 19:50
» Почему вы играете в старые игры? 19:42
» [NES/SNES/Sega/PCE] Списки пройденных игр и обсуждение 19:28
» Patch Applier by drakula1912 17:30
» [SMD] Battle City порт+хак, на 1-8 игроков. 17:26
» Перенесено: Где можно скачать мануалы к играм nes на русском языке 17:05
» Клон Sega TA-06SD вывод RGB, stereo и 60 герц NTSC 16:52
» Продам аккаунт WOT (ru регион) 16:39
» Вопросы по покупке флешки 15:56
» Во что сейчас играем? 15:42
» Русификация игр 14:27