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Spectaculator v8.0
Combiner, 18:20, 24-12-2012
Новая версия эмулятора компьютеров ZX Spectrum.
(Для скачивания доступна только пробная версия с периодом на 30 дней)
(Для скачивания доступна только пробная версия с периодом на 30 дней)
- Minimum requirements are now Windows XP /w SP3 and hardware-accelerated Direct3D 9 graphics. It will no longer install on older versions of Windows.
- Added Dynamite Dan and Dynamite Dan 2 to the Game Pack courtesy of Rod Bowkett.
- Added support for Overlay filters (RGB Triads).
- Added support for Kega Fusion Render plugins. Any RPI scaler that supports 2x scaling can now be used with Spectaculator.
- Added manual controls for the TV simulation (brightness, contrast, colour bleed, sharpness etc.)
- The Escape key can now be configured to exit Spectaculator rather than sending CAPS+SPACE to the virtual Spectrum.
- Fixed various problems with Quick Save/Quick Load:
- The file name format has changed to make it easier to see which snapshots are for which games.
- Choosing a snapshot to load now loads the correct snapshot.
- Quick-loaded snapshots now move to the top of the list.
- Deleted snapshots are automatically removed from the list.
- F2 now loads the last quick-saved snapshot. Ctrl+F2 now shows the list of quick-saved snapshots.
- Added support for modern game controllers such as the Xbox 360 controller.
- Enter key can now be mapped to one of the joystick/game pad buttons.
- Fixed AY noise generation (although you probably won't be able to tell any difference). With thanks to Patrik Rak.
- Fixed crash when clicking to the right of Custom ROMs on the Advanced tab.
- Fixed RZX finalisation crashing in some rare situations (thanks Pavel Plíva).
- Fixed errors when writing to TRD/SCL disk images under certain situations (thanks Shadow Maker)
- Fixed recording of SpecDrum output to AVI and audio files.
- Fixed recording of Covox output to AVI and audio files.
- Added progress indicator for RZX playback.
- Added option to pause Spectaculator when the main window is minimised. This is off by default.
- All binaries and the installer are now digitally signed.
- Fixed selection of COM ports used by the ZX Interface 1 serial port emulation.
- Various changes to resolve minor issues with Windows 8.
dizzy [10:21, 25-12-2012]
Осталось дождаться кряка.
Вася [17:42, 30-12-2012]
Эмуль за бапки? Данунах
Exolon [15:41, 31-12-2012]
Зато какой эмуль !!!
Не говёные фри поделки.
Не говёные фри поделки.
%username% [19:52, 01-01-2013]
зачем кряк ? на форуме же есть серийник к нему
2Exolon: эмуляция наших Pentagon и ScorionZS256, или там звуковушки GeneralSound говённая именно в этом эмуляторе, и за много лет никаких изменений, не смотря на то что он платный, просто автор ложил МПХ на юзеров которым оно нужно
2Exolon: эмуляция наших Pentagon и ScorionZS256, или там звуковушки GeneralSound говённая именно в этом эмуляторе, и за много лет никаких изменений, не смотря на то что он платный, просто автор ложил МПХ на юзеров которым оно нужно
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