- Note: because of major TIA sound changes, the state file format has changed, and old state files will not work with this release - New cycle exact audio core based on work by Chris Brenner (crispy); greatly improved audio emulation accuracy (i.e. E.T., Ms. Pacman) - Full rewrite of the audio subsystem; resample TIA output to target sample rate directly in Stella - Added option to force stereo sound for all ROMs, or to use the setting on a per-ROM basis - Threading: decouple emulation from frame rendering - Main loop rewritten; emulating speed and timing is now much more faithful (i.e. speed in Pick'n'Pile) - Added preliminary support for 'CTY' bankswitching scheme and recently released 'Chetiry' ROMs. Special thanks to SpiceWare for adding music support to this scheme - UI modernization (new widget look, dialog titles added, dialogs refactored) - The bankswitch scheme can now be forced by naming the ROM with a specific extension (ie: .f8s for F8SC, .fe for FE, etc). The supported extensions are the same as the ones from HarmonyCart and UnoCart - Audio settings replaced with new 'audio.xxx' settings - FPS setting replaced with speed setting for adjusting emulation speed - Extra functionality for Time Machine dialog (start/stop recording; minor fixes) - When logging messages to the System Logger, condense similar messages that arrive in batches into fewer messages (including timestamps) - Fixes for collision corner cases (during HBlank) - Fixed excessive CPU usage while in UI modes (ROM launcher, debugger, etc) - The 'launcherexts' option has been replaced by a true/false option named 'launcherroms', which specifies to show only ROMs or all files in the ROM launcher - Changes in 'Game Properties' dialog - 'Default' button now affects only current tab like in all other dialogs - 'Display' and 'Console' tab changes are now immediate - Fixed bug when selecting 'Auto-detect' format for 50Hz ROMs - Fixed bug in autodetecting Genesis controllers - Fixed bug with 'thumb.trapfatal' commandline argument; sometimes Stella would lock up when encountering a fatal error instead of entering the debugger and displaying a message - Fixed bug in reading from settings file with entries that were empty; the parsing was failing. This affected the 'cpurandom' argument; when all options in it were turned off, they were all turned on again during the next program run - Fixed bug with 'hold' events; they are now released a short time after starting a ROM - When starting Stella for the first time, the first ROM selected will determine which path to use by default for subsequent runs - Fixed emulator crash when starting SaveKey ROMs from commandline with SaveKey messages enabled - Fixed missing TV format update in frame stats dialog when switching display type - Fixed missing debug color update when switching display type - 'Fill to scanline' now works for scanlines above current scanline too - The debugger 'uhex' command is now honoured in CDF and BUS schemes - When switching screenmodes, the sound is now paused and later resumed. This fixes popping and cracking sounds apparent on some systems, notably macOS when toggling windowed/fullscreen mode - State file format has been optimized to be smaller, and faster loading and saving. This affects both the files saved to your computer as well as Time Machine functionality - The ROM name saved in a PNG tEXt chunk now honours the 'snapname' setting - Improved snapshots when phosphor is enabled - Updated PAL palette - Added 'Cartridge.StartBank' ROM property, to force a ROM to use a specific bank for its reset vector - Added Developer setting, which breaks on reads from write ports. It now detects such conditions in many more cases. This new way of detecting RWP errors obsoletes the old '_rwport' debugger command, which has now been removed - Added recently released 'Arkyology' prototype ROM to the database - Fixed 'Street Racer' and 'Video Olympics' ROMs to use paddles in both ports - For UNIX systems: in the ROM launcher, when using symlinks use the symlink pathname instead of the underlying filesystem pathname - The UNIX builds now use the system-installed PNG and ZLIB libraries by default - The Macintosh builds are now named 'macOS' throughout the codebase to reflect the new naming from Apple - For better compatibility, the Windows 32-bit version does not require SSE2 anymore - Updated included PNG library to latest stable version
Contra: Hard Corps
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