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No$gba 2.4a
Iron, 22:03, 04-04-2007
Эмулятор Gameboy Advance и Nintendo DS для DOS & Windows
- nds/help: added nds-lite case/joypad ascii arts, and nds-lite supply pinout
- spam: nocash-lite was posted online - new addresses in email.htm or about-box
- nds/3d: forces instant new gxfifo irq (if any) on attempt to acknowlege it
- nds/sound: fixed output to sample.wav script file (for diagnostics purposes)
- nds/adpcm: emulates nds-rounding-error, uses fast-pre-multiplied adpcm tables
- nds/adpcm: fixed clipping-bug in no$gba, and emulates real nds-clipping-error
- nds/sound/help: added more ima-adpcm notes (rounding-error and clipping-error)
- stat: performance indicator counts frames on nds9 only (=60Hz) (instead 120Hz)
- nds/tsc/debug: displays all tsc channel values in io-map (touchscr, mic, etc.)
- nds/tsc: prevents penirq if disabled, penirq more in sync with tsc-adc values
- nds/3d: drains gxfifo before gxfifo dma (fixes mariokart/downhill slowdowns)
- nds/3d: forces DepthMask=1 on ClearDepth (if it was 0 from translucent/attr)
- nds/firmware: applies different mac addr to each machine with wifi-crc adjust
- nds/firmware: forces def.fmw/wifi header (if firmware.bin missing) (downhill)
- nds/firmware: forces user settings [65h]=FCh=good (if firmware.bin missing)
- nds/firmware: fixed touchscreen/calib screen coords origin 1,1 (instead 0,0)
- nds/dos/3d: translates by w, recurses current viewport x1/y1 and width/height
Скачать: http://www.emu-land.net/?secid=96
Anonymous [12:10, 05-04-2007]
Круто. Теперь ФФ3 почти фулл спид :) Жаль у меня японский картридж.
exe [03:43, 06-04-2007]
осталось зделать чтоб сохранение работало во всех играх а не через одну.
Имаго [18:53, 07-04-2007]
Лучше бы довели до ума эмуляцию GBA, а для NDS сделали отдельный эмулятор, тот же no$nds...
Михайло [13:33, 09-04-2007]
Лучший Эмуль ДС. Проверенно мной.

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