PC Bridgeboard (A1060 Sidecar, A2088, A2088T, A2286 and A2386SX) emulation rewrite:
- Emulation core replaced with PCem. Compatibility has improved greatly, for example Windows 3.x enhanced mode, DOS extenders and Windows 95 are now fully working
- Bridgeboard built-in CGA emulation graphics corruption fixed
- A2386SX VLSI chipset memory remapping, shadowing and EMS fully supported
- Cirrus Logic emulation PC compatibility improved, 2M VRAM, linear frame buffer and blitter support
- PC Speaker emulation (PCem)
- Sound Blaster emulation (PCem, various models)
- Serial mouse emulation (PCem)
- SCSI adapter emulation (Rancho Technology RT1000B)
Other updates:
- AGA hires/superhires horizontal pixel positioning and borderblank horizontal single hires pixel offset fully emulated. Optional because it requires much more CPU power and it is rarely needed. DIWHIGH H0/H1 AGA-only bits emulated
- AGA FMODE>0 undocumented features implemented (BPLxDAT, SPRxDAT CPU/copper accesses, bitplane modulos that are not integer divisible by fetch size)
- Added new misc option which captures mouse immediately when windowed/full-window winuae window is activated
- 68030 MMU emulation compatibility improved
- Paula disk emulation GCR MSBSYNC support added (Alternate Reality protection track)
- Added quick search and quick directory select to Configurations panel. Link and autoload moved to Advanced information panel
- Added history list to config file name edit box and to statefile path string box
- Added vertical offset option to D3D scanlines
- 64-bit version didn’t support 64-bit unrar.dll
- 68030/040/060 with data cache emulation but without enabled MMU emulation: force Chip RAM as non-data cacheable
- Magic mouse Windows cursor to Amiga mouse sync partially fixed
- Window corners now work as drag’n’drop hot spots for different floppy drives. (top/left=0, top/right=1, bottom/left=2, bottom/right=3)
Bug fixes:
- 68020 + memory cycle exact hung the emulator in some situations
- Reading CIA interrupt status register in a very tight loop generated spurious interrupt(s) in certain situations
- Softfloat mode with unimplemented FPU emu ticked didn’t disable 68040/060 unmasked interrupts, confusing 68040/68060.library and possibly causing it to return incorrect values
- Some CHD CD images didn’t mount correctly
- uaehf.device HD_SCSICMD didn’t set scsi_SenseActual. Also set io_Actual=30 (=sizeof(struct SCSICmd))
- If config file had KS ROM path/file that didn’t exist, it was replaced with non-existing
(Software Projects).png)
Lode Runner (1984)(Software Projects)
Игры ZX Spectrum
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» Пиксель-Арт 10:04
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» Русификация игр 07:10
» Разъем mini din 9 01:04