Эмуляторы Neo-Geo для Sega Dreamcast
Эмулятор Neo-Geo для Sega Dreamcast.
- Using MMU for loading large rom files. Two cache levels: free RAM and SRAM.
- AES and MVS systems supported.
- Close to fullspeed emulation (frameskip0 with sound-fx).
- Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
- Fast FAZE Zilog Z80 core by Fox68k.
- Custom PowerVR2 graphic core (fast tile caching).
- Autoframeskip for real speed.
- Joystick is emulated with analog and digital pad + A,B,X,Y and Start/R-Trigger.
- Complete menu with L-Trigger: region selector, frameskip control, graphic filtering, hardware reset...
- Crystalline sound without lag.
- Both control players emulated.
- A lot of games work.
- Размер: 2.6 MiB
- Загрузок: 5952
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Эмулятор Neo-Geo / CD для Sega Dreamcast.
- Close to fullspeed emulation (frameskip0 with sound-fx).
- Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
- Fast FAZE Zilog Z80 core by Fox68k.
- Custom PowerVR2 graphic core (fast tile caching).
- Autoframeskip for real speed.
- Joystick is emulated with analog and digital pad + A,B,X,Y and Start/R-Trigger.
- Complete menu with L-Trigger: region selector, frameskip control, graphic filtering, hardware reset...
- Crystalline sound without lag.
- Both control players emulated.
- A lot of games work.
- Автор: Chui & Fox68k
- Дата: 04.04.2007
- Размер: 3.2 MiB
- Загрузок: 3974
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NeoDC v2.3
Эмулятор Neo-Geo / CD для Sega Dreamcast.
- Автор: quzar
- Размер: 2.2 MiB
- Загрузок: 2440
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