Эмуляторы ZX Spectrum для Wii
FBZX Wii v14
Эмулятор ZX Spectrum для Wii. Порт FBZX.
- Emulates accurately the Original 48Kspectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K. This includes screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
- Screen emulation is extremely accurate, so it can emulate border effects and even attribute effects.
- Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
- Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files, supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
- Emulates up to 2 joysticks of types: kempston, cursor and sinclair1 and sinclair2.
- All the wiimote, nunchuck and classic controller buttons and joypads are fully configurable.
- Virtual keyboard support.
- Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
- Emulates the ULAPlus
- Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).
- Размер: 3 MiB
- Загрузок: 560
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(Jaroslaw Cichocki).png)
OiX (1984)(Jaroslaw Cichocki)
Игры ZX Spectrum
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» Patch Applier by drakula1912 20:22
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» [ALL] CHEATS & MODS 18:28
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