Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > D > Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
DFBD-1DA4 Start with 1 life

Don't set lives on options screen when using the next three codes.

DBBD-1DA4 Start with 9 lives
49BD-1DA4 Start with 25 lives
9FBD-1DA4 Start with 51 lives

DDB3-3404 Infinite lives
DDA8-4466 Extra lives cost $500
DFA8-4466 Extra lives cost $1,500
DD23-34D4 Extra life power-ups don't work
D423-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 2
D923-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 5
DDA3-3FA6 Extra lives can't be bought
D4A3-3FA6 2 extra lives for each life you buy
D9A3-3FA6 5 extra lives for each life you buy
C283-3D6F Invincibility
D1B4-3DD7 Start with 1/2 health
DBB4-3DD7 Start with 3/4 health
D121-CD64 Juice cans set health to 1/2
DB21-CD64 Juice cans set health to 3/4
DDB4-C764 Start with 0 gems
FDB4-C764 Start with 10 gems (2 continues)
49B4-C764 Start with 25 gems (5 continues)
DDA2-C76C Infinite continues
DD3C-446D Gem power-ups worth 0
D93C-446D Gem power-ups worth 5 (1 continue)
DDA6-34A6 Bought gems worth 0
D9A6-34A6 Bought gems worth 5 (1 continue)
DDA8-44D6 Gems are free
FDBF-CF64 Start with 10 ammo for all guns (except blaster)
9DBF-CF64 Start with 50 ammo for all guns
BDBF-CF64 Start with 90 ammo for all guns
DD85-17DD Infinite ammo (must have some ammo for the gun to be 
selectable--use Code 29 start with infinite ammo)
DDAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is free
4DAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is $200
DDAC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is free
F9AC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is $150
DDAC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is free
F9AC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is $150
DDAC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is free
F9AC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is $150
DDA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is free
4DA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is $200
4DAE-44D6 Bought Freeze gun ammo is worth 20 instead of 10
4DA9-1406 Bought Electricity gun ammo is worth 20
4DA8-1466 Bought Three-way gun ammo is worth 20
4DAF-C4A6 Bought Bomb gun ammo is worth 20
4DA5-C7D6 Bought Anti matter gun ammo is worth 20
4D28-4FA7 Freeze gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 instead of 10
4D26-1DA7 Electricity gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
4D20-C7A7 Three-way gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
4D2F-34A7 Bomb gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
4D23-3FA7 Antimatter gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
DDBD-CF04 Start with no nutty attacks
D7BD-CF04 Start with 3 nutty attacks
D9BD-CF04 Start with 5 nutty attacks
D5BD-CF04 Start with 7 nutty attacks
C287-34AD Infinite nutty attacks
DDA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are free
0DA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are $400
D4BD-C7D4 Start with $2500 instead of $1500
D7BD-C7D4 Start with $3,500
DBBD-C7D4 Start with $9,500
7DBD-C7D4 Start with $30,500
DDB4-C404 Start with almost no fuel
F8B4-C404 Start with 2x fuel
45B4-C404 Start with 3x fuel
DDA8-4DA6 Jetpack fuel is free
D1C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/4 normal rate
DAC8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/2 normal rate
F4C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 3/4 normal rate
D12B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 1/2 as much
FC2B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 2x
D1A2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 1/2 as much
FCA2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 2x as much
DFB9-1D04 Start on level 1-2
D4B9-1D04 Start on level 1-3
D7B9-1D04 Start on level 1-4
D0B9-1D04 Start on level 2-1
D9B9-1D04 Start on level 2-2
D1B9-1D04 Start on level 2-3
D5B9-1D04 Start on level 2-4
D6B9-1D04 Start on level 3-1
DBB9-1D04 Start on level 3-2
DCB9-1D04 Start on level 3-3
D8B9-1D04 Start on level 3-4
DAB9-1D04 Start on level 4-1
D2B9-1D04 Start on level 4-2
D3B9-1D04 Start on level 4-3
DEB9-1D04 Start on level 4-4
FDB9-1D04 Start on level 5-1
FFB9-1D04 Start on level 5-2
F4B9-1D04 Start on level 5-3
F7B9-1D04 Start on level 5-4
Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > D > Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
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