Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > K > Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
DFC3 170F 1 ball and you walk
D4C3 170F 2 balls and you walk
CBB3 1D2D Can't walk a player
DFCE 1F0F 1 strike and you're out
D4CE 1F0F 2 strikes and you're out
C2BE 179D Can't strike out
DF27 CFA4 Invisible baserunners
D4C3 170F 2 outs and whole team is out
C2A2 4D94 + C2AA 47B4 No outs except strike outs
C28A-3FA7 + CBB0-4797 + C283-34D7 Computer can't score
Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > K > Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
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