Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > N > Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
DFCE-142F Start with very little energy-after first life
DFCE-142F Start with about half energy-after first life
DD81-1F97 Infinite time
B1C8-3DF8 Start with very little time
EEC8-3DF8 Start with lots of time
DDC5-4DF4 Start with 1 life
D7C5-4DF4 Start with 5 lives
D6C5-4DF4 Start with 9 lives
C9CF-CFBF Infinite lives
C9C3-3F2D Infinite energy

Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos

DFB3-144F Start with very little energy
D6B3-144F Start with about half energy
C9BB-441F Infinite energy
C96F-1FC7 Infinite time
DFC4-1F47 Throwing stars don't use energy (ignore counter)
DDB3-C4CF Start with 1 life

Ninja Gaiden II: The Ancient Ship of Doom

DD6B-CF87 Start with 1 life
D76B-CF87 Start with 5 lives
D66B-CF87 Start with 9 lives
DF68-CD77 Start with very little energy
D668-CD77 Start with about half energy
C92A-CFED Infinite energy
CB69-CD57 Infinite lives
C9A7-C757 Almost infinite ninja power
Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > N > Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
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