PGA Tour Golf

D235-6D07 + D22A-D40F Allow 14 clubs for full set instead of 13
D335-6D07 + D32A-D40F Allow 15 clubs for full set
DE35-6D07 + DE2A-D40F Allow 16 clubs for full set
CBC8-6DD7 + DDC8-6D67 + DCC8-6D07 Constant wind of 10 mph 
6DC8-6DD7 No wind
BACA-64D7 Constant wind direction to the left
DFA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 1
D4A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 2
D7A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 3
D0A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 4
D9A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 5
D1A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 6
D5A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 7
D6A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 8
DBA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 9
DCA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 10
D8A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 11
DAA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 12
D2A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 13
D3A7-A704 Each round ends after hole 14
DEA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 15
FDA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 16
FFA7-A704 Each round ends after hole 17
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