Super Metroid
DD38-C4A8 Skip intro and start on Planet Zebes when starting a new game
DDCF-4461 + 6DCC-47A1 Select area when loading a game (press right on map 
screen to select)
C225-3005 No energy loss from enemies
C22A-456D Super jumps don't drain energy
C288-C5A7 Almost infinite missiles
C28A-C9D7 Almost infinite super missiles
3CA4-450D Almost infinite super bombs
62C5-14A6 Start with hyper gun in inventory

Save game modification codes (the rest of the codes) only work for saved 
game "A." A saved game must already exist-Do no try on a new game 

FA68-4760 + DD6A-C7DF Master code-Must be used with the rest of the 
codes--Warning: If you do not use the Master Cose or enter it incorrectly, 
you may erase a saved game
E7D7-FAAD + DFD7-FA6D Start with about 500 energy tanks
88D7-FAAD + D4D7-FA6D Start with about 700 energy tanks
35D7-FAAD + D7D7-FA6D Start with about 1000 energy tanks
CED7-FAAD + D0D7-FA6D Start with about 1200 energy tanks
28D7-FAAD + D9D7-FA6D Start with about 1500 energy tanks
DCD7-F26D Maximum missiles=10
FBD7-F26D Maximum missiles=25
74D7-F26D Maximum missiles=50
08D7-F26D Maximum missiles=75
10D7-F26D Maximum missiles=100
52D7-F26D Maximum missiles=125
B1D7-F26D Maximum missiles=150
CED7-F26D Maximum missiles=175
A6D7-F26D Maximum missiles=200
D9D7-F36D Maximum super missiles=5
DCD7-F36D Maximum super missiles=10
FBD7-F36D Maximum super missiles=25
74D7-F36D Maximum super missiles=50
D9D7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=5
DCD7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=10
FBD7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=25
74D7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=50
DDD0-FE6D Set hours played to 0 (for better ending)
FDDF-F2AD Add charge beam
DFDF-F26D Get wave beam
D7DF-F26D Get ice and wave beams
D5DF-F26D Get ice, wave, and spazer beam
DEDF-F26D Get ice, wave, spazer, and plasma beams
D0DF-FA6D Add ball
D9DF-FA6D Add ball and varia suit
D5DF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball
45DF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, gravity suit
4EDF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, screw attack, gravity suit
FDDF-FAAD Add bomb
6DDF-FAAD + 6DDF-FA0D Add X-ray
ADDF-FAAD + ADDF-FA0D Add X-ray and grapple
BDDF-FAAD + BDDF-FA0D Add X-ray and bomb
2DDF-FAAD + 2DDF-FA0D Add X-ray, grapple, bomb
FFDF-FAAD Add bomb and hi-jump boots
7FDF-FAAD Add bomb, hi-jump boots and speed boots
77DF-FAAD Add bomb, all boots
E7DF-FAAD + E7DF-FA0D Add all boots, bomb, grapple, X-ray
EED9-93DD Crateria is already mapped out
EED9-930D Brinstar is already mapped out
EED9-936D Norfair is already mapped out
EED9-93AD Wrecked ship is already mapped out
EED9-9EDD Maridia is already mapped out
EED9-9E0D Tourian is already mapped out
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