Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > T > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
892F-0DD7 Protection against most enemy attacks
DDAC-6F67 Infinite lives

When using the start with lives codes, don't change the lives setting 
on the options screen

DD28-67D9 Start with 1 life instead of 3
D028-67D9 Start with 5 lives
DB28-67D9 Start with 10 lives
4028-67D9 Start with 25 lives 
0B28-67D9 Start with 50 lives
5028-67D9 Start with 75 lives 
BB28-67D9 Start with 100 lives
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + DFB8-A4BF Start on level 2
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F Start on level 3
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D7B8-A4BF Start on level 4
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D0B8-A4BF Start on level 5
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D9B8-A4BF Start on level 6
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D1B8-A4BF Start on level 7
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D5B8-A4BF Start on level 8
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D6B8-A4BF Start on level 9
69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + DBB8-A4BF Start on level 10
Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > T > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
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