Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > T > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters
Character codes work in all modes except Story

With the first six codes, you can't view the ending

DCCA-1405 Leonardo is replaced by Rat King
D8CA-1405 Leonardo is replaced by Karai
DCCA-14A5 Raphael is replaced by Rat King
D8CA-14A5 Raphael is replaced by Karai
DCCA-1705 Donatello is replaced by Rat King
D8CA-1705 Donatello is replaced by Karai
F6E9-3D25 Both players start with 1/4 health
7DE9-3D25 Both players start with 1/2 health
06E9-3D25 Both players start with 3/4 health
DDB1-CF60 Start with no continues (leave menu option on 3)
D4B1-CF60 Start with 1 continue
D0B1-CF60 Start with 3 continues
D1B1-CF60 Start with 5 continues
D6B1-CF60 Start with 7 continues
82A6-4FA4 Automatic and infinite continues

For the next four codes, leave menu option on 60
FD86-4F00 Matches are 10 seconds long
F986-4F00 Matches are 15 seconds long
4D86-4F00 Matches are 20 seconds long
5986-4F00 Matches are 75 seconds long
DDC1-1D03 Energy bar doesn't go down over time
D4C1-1D03 Energy bar goes down twice as fast

Don't combine any of the codes below.

DFCA-44A3 Ultimate attack can be done any time the bar isn't empty
F0CA-44A3 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/4 energy
46CA-44A3 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/2 energy
7ACA-44A3 Ultimate attack can be done with about 3/4 energy
F0C3-4463 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/4
46C3-4463 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/2
7AC3-4463 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 3/4
Консоли > Super Nintendo > Game Genie Коды > T > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters
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