Top Gear
972B-0F64 Start with 1/2 fuel
5A2B-0F64 Start with 3/4 fuel
C225-6429 Infinite fuel--player 1
C223-6D95 Infinite fuel--player 2
DD63-6DDD Start with no nitro boosts instead of 3
DF63-6DDD Start with 1 nitro boost
D463-6DDD Start with 2 nitro boosts
D163-6DDD Start with 6 nitro boosts
DB63-6DDD Start with 9 nitro boosts
3C84-6D64 Infinite nitro boosts--player 1
3C86-64A4 Infinite nitro boosts--player 2
C280-6FA4 Nitro boost lasts until end of race--player 1
C288-6DD4 Nitro boost lasts until end of race--player 2
6DB7-AFEA Race in any country
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