Final Fantasy 5
Внимание!!! Если Вы играите на эмуляторе, откройте ROM, введите коды, сделайте Reset!
Коды не будут работать пока персонажи не окажутся в первом бою.

Get about 99 GP and 99 experience points from Goblins
after battle.
Get about 187 GP and 187 experience points from Goblins
after battle.
Get about 21,895 GP and 21,895 experience points from
Goblins after battle. Sometimes, you won't get the GP
that you're supposed to get.
Get about 65,290 GP and 65,290 experience points from
Goblins after battle. Sometimes, you won't get the GP
you're supposed to get.
Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 3. His
HP will increase to 55, and his MP will increase to 14.
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 6. His
HP will increase to 110, and his MP will increase to 30.
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 16. His
HP will increase to 405, and his MP will increase to 83!
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 3. Her
HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect
until AFTER the first battle.
Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 6. Her
HP will increase to 106, and her MP will increase to 31.
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 16. Her
HP will increase to 391, and her MP will increase to 88!
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 3. His
HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect
until AFTER the first battle.
Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 6. His
HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect
until AFTER the first battle.
Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 16. His
HP will increase to 412, and his MP will increase to 82!
Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle.
Allows you to buy the Warhammr Axe, Poison Axe, Earth
Axe, Great Sword, Slumber Sword, or Defender Sword at
the Magic Shop in the village of Tule.
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