MAME for PlayStation Portable
PSP MAME4ALL v4.9r2 Hires
GP2X MAME4All port for PSP.
- Based on latest GP2X MAME4All release v4.9;
- 480×272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with >320 orizz. and >240 vert. pixels are fully playable (Loderun, Galaga etc.);
- Overclock support, from 133 to 333 MHz;
- Fixed, Fixed Divided by 2, Software Scaled and Software Full Screen Stretched resolutions (all maximum 480×272);
- Frameskip as GP2X version (fixed 0-5, auto 1-5);
- Vsync on/off;
- Save configuration support, default and per game;
- 22KHz with 16 voices predefined sounds, 33KHz and 44KHz frequencies with 4, 8 and 16 voices combinations added;
- Preliminary analog support;
- Autocentering fix for all resolutions;
- Optimized compiled code as derived from GP2X version, but for PSP cpu (fastest graphics core!);
- Stripped & Packed executable, only 2.1MB;
- Original graphics theme from Gold edition;
- Music in menu (filename music.psp in data folder), in these supported formats: .MOD, .S3M, .IT, .XM and .OGG;
- Added, as bonus, 1st classified OldSkool at Assembly 2007 Music Competition (Commodore 64 based), in .OGG format;
- Graphic theme 480×272 BMP skins support, both pspmenu480.bmp and pspsplash480.bmp in folder skins;
- Size: 6.9 MiB
- Downloads: 14527
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