ZX Spectrum Emulators for Windows
DSP Emulator
Open source multi-system emulator for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Notable for being developed in Pascal (Delphi/Lazarus). It supports emulation of ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, NES, GameBoy (Color), ColecoVision, Chip 8, Sega Master System and various arcade machines (see readme.txt).
- Date: 28.10.2024
- Size: 53.2 MiB
- Downloads: 40019
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EightyOne v1.40
Multisystem emulator for Windows. Emulates:
- Sinclair ZX80
- Sinclair ZX81
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16k/48k
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k
- Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +2
- Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +2a
- Amstrad/Sinclair Spectrum +3
- Jupiter ACE
- Timex TS1000
- Timex TS1500
- Timex TS2068
- Timex TC2048
- Lambda 8300
- Ringo R470
- MicroDigital TK85
- Date: 10.02.2024
- Size: 3.6 MiB
- Downloads: 34878
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EmuZWin v2.7 release 2.8
One of the best speck emulators, support for a bunch of models, games colorful 256 colors and more.
- Date: 10.03.2006
- Size: 1.1 MiB
- Downloads: 34346
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Fuse v1.6.0
An emulator of the ZX Spectrum and other 1980s home computers for Windows.
- Accurate 16K, 48K, 128K, +2, +2A and +3 emulation.
- Working +3e, SE, TC2048, TC2068, TS2068, Pentagon 128, Pentagon "512" (Pentagon 128 modified for extra memory), Pentagon 1024 and Scorpion ZS 256 emulation.
- Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you're likely to try it on.
- Support for loading from .tzx files, including accelerated loading.
- Sound (on Windows and Mac OS X, and on systems supporting ALSA, the Open Sound System, SDL or OpenBSD/Solaris's /dev/audio).
- Kempston joystick emulation.
- Emulation of the various printers you could attach to the Spectrum.
- Support for the RZX input recording file format, including 'competition mode'.
- Emulation of the DivIDE, Interface I, +D, Beta 128, Kempston mouse, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP and ZXCF interfaces.
- Date: 28.02.2021
- Size: 30.6 MiB
- Downloads: 17060
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MESS v0.152
MESS is a multi-system emulator. Windows version.
- Date: 25.12.2013
- Size: 46.1 MiB
- Downloads: 22271
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Real Spectrum v0.97.26
RealSpectrum is an excellent ZX Spectrum emulator.
According to the author, it is an emulator that emulates the
ZX Spectrum with unprecedented accuracy. Belief.
- Date: 06.11.2004
- Size: 843 KiB
- Downloads: 20326
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Эмулятор Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16kB / 48kB / 128kB, Spectrum +2 / +2A / +3 и Timex Sinclair TC2048 / TS2068.
- Author: Marat Fayzullin
- Date: 17.03.2021
- Size: 5.3 MiB
- Downloads: 15053
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SpecEmu v3.4 build 03.02.24
ZX Spectrum emulator for Windows.
- Author: Mark Woodmass
- Date: 03.02.24
- Size: 2.4 MiB
- Downloads: 7716
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Spectaculator v8.0
Another good ZX Spectrum emulator.
30 days trial, product price £9.99/£11.99€/£15.99USD
- Size: 4.4 MiB
- Downloads: 12289
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UnrealSpeccy v0.38.0
UnrealSpeccy is the best ZX Spectrum emulator for Windows. It has a lot of settings, TV-Mode support and many other things, I can't list them all.
- Date: 10.03.2013
- Size: 3.3 MiB
- Downloads: 24988
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Z80Stealth v1.23
New version of old DOS Russian emulator ZX Spectrum. Now under Windows! :)
- Author: Kirill Kolpakov
- Date: 30.12.2010
- Size: 2.2 MiB
- Downloads: 5627
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Ziggy v0.4
ZX Spectrum emulator for Windows.
- 100% accurate… oh ok then, highly accurate 48k and 128 emulation. Not kidding. ;)
- Support for both the beeper and multi-channel AY sound.
- DirectX and GDI support. Works best with DirectX though.
- Support for snapshots (sna, szx, z80) and tapes (pzx, tzx, tap, csw)
- Save screenshots from emulator in bmp, png, gif and jpeg format.
- Debugger with stepping facility.
- Tape browser with support for accelerated loading via various (read 2) means.
- Ability to run files from command line, drag and drop. If file associations are enabled, double-clicking from explorer will launch Ziggy.
- Supports issue 2 keyboards, late timings and a host of other speccy idiosyncracies.
- Full screen mode.
- ULA Plus support.
- Date: 24.05.2010
- Size: 1.3 MiB
- Downloads: 6010
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ZXSpin v0.7s
ZX Spectrum emulator for Windows.
- Author: Paul Dunn
- Date: 02.12.2009
- Size: 2.8 MiB
- Downloads: 8400
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Spectramin v.1.01b
First release of Spectramin emulator, with minimal functionality, for public testing of emulation quality and compatibility with games and demos. Controls - context menu (right mouse click) and hotkeys (see in the menu).
Development priorities:
1) usability;
2) accuracy of emulation - z80, delays, ports, undocumented features.
From the peripherals, except for campston on arrows+TAB, and ULAplus, at the moment TR-DOS (trd, scl and hobeta) and +3DOS (.dsk) are limitedly supported, within the limits of dll-eks from SpecEmu emulator (Mark Woodmass allowed to use them, for which he is very grateful).
The emulator is distributed as donationware, that is free, but if you want to support the development by donation, details in About emulator.
Exactly works under Windows 7 32 and Windows XP 32, under other operating systems did not check.
Games and demos that come with the release are chosen quite arbitrarily, from what I was playing and what came to hand.
Any indications of bugs and incompatibilities/incompatibility/non-bootability/inoperability, wishes on functionality and interface, etc., will be useful.
- Author: Weiv
- Date: 26.09.2017
- Size: 25.1 MiB
- Downloads: 4248
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