Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Emulators for Wii
Genesis Plus GX v1.7.5 RC1
Sega Genesis and Master System emulator for Nintendo Gamecube and Wii (gamecube slot).
- Run genplus.dol on Gamecube or WII with your prefered method and then load a rom from bootable DVD or from SDCARD. If you use SDCARD, roms must be placed in a directory called GPROMS. DVD loading doesn't work with dol's sdload method. Read the NFO included for detailled options.
- accurate & fast genesis emulation with sound
- improved compatibility (only a few games don't work properly, please report any game issues)
- SRAM support (save/load game sram on a memory card)
- serial EEPROM support (used by some games for saving)
- Savestate support (save/load in-game state on a memory card, 19 blocks needed)
- 6-buttons full support
- 2 Players Supported
- Game Genie Support
- zipped roms support
- PAL (50Hz) Genesis support
- load roms from DVD or SDCARD
- Size: 9.7 MiB
- Downloads: 10366
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