Nintendo 64 Emulators for Linux
M64Py v0.2.3
Great shell for Mupen64Plus. Dependencies: PyQt5, SDL-2.0.
- Size: 43.4 MiB
- Downloads: 2495
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Mupen64Plus v2.59
A fork of Mupen64, the best, by far, Nintendo 64 emulator for Linux.
Runs only from the command line, but there are launchers available.
- Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
- OpenGL video plugin, with Hi-resolution texture support
- LIRC Infrared remote control support
- Rumble Pak support (Linux only)
- Cheat system with gameshark code support
- Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
- Shared library interface for integration into other systems (front-ends)
- Command-line Front-end application
- Size: 18.1 MiB
- Downloads: 7020
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