Download Sega Master System Games
Impossible Mission
- • Genre: platformer
The man got into some kind of underground base. But it's not clear how or why. Either he was kidnapped and has to escape, or he sneaked in there and has to do something bad. The man has no weapons, all he can do is jump, and scramble through cabinets, safes and other furniture. In them he can find pieces of some puzzle or the code to disable all the robots. You can disable the robots by using computers, of which there are several in each room. The base is a lot of rooms and elevators every 2 rooms. Some rooms have two entrances, allowing you to sneak to the next elevator, and some have only one. Plus there are several small elevators in each room. The man's got a lot of lives. But the coolest thing is the pits in the rooms, where to fall through there....
- Size: 47 KiB
- Downloads: 1604
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Incredible Crash Dummies, The
- • Genre: action
At first it may seem that the game is a suicide simulator, but then it becomes clear - it's a game about a robot, whose profession is to test and do everything that no one would have thought of. This is such a smart robot, if it were not for him, who else would break balconies with his head. Levels and tasks are diverse, you will not get bored.
- Size: 104 KiB
- Downloads: 1575
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Incredible Hulk, The
- • Genre: action
The evil and invincible Hulk tears soldiers to shreds. But if he's so invincible, why make a game if you can't kill him? You can't kill Hulk, but if you hit him often, he will turn back into a human, and a human can be killed by enemies with one hit. Good game with good graphics, music and sound.
- Size: 335 KiB
- Downloads: 4203
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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- • Genre: platformer
Indiana Jones went looking for adventure on his head and found it. He fell into a mine and now he has to get out of there. To do this is not easy, from touching his enemies his life force evaporates at a high rate. He sowed his whip somewhere here, but when he finds it, he can only wave it a few times, after which the whip disappears. He's not the only one who sows whips.
- Size: 108 KiB
- Downloads: 4644
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