Download Super Nintendo (SNES) Games
Clay Fighter 2 - Judgment Clay
- • Genre: fighting
- • Players: 2 (pvp)
Fighting. The game features 8 heroes of very specific character, which are hard to call stupid (like a slug or a snowman). Though, maybe, it is for the best. Quirky plasticine fighting game. Battles up to 2 wins, three difficulty levels.
- Downloads: 8016
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- • Genre: platformer
Walking game. An evil monster demands an important formula from your friend, the professor, and when he refuses, the monster turns the protagonist into an ordinary blue ball. That's just the way it is. Of course, the balloon is not simple, it can turn into various critters (mice, cats and so on), as well as hit enemies with a powerful punch, but it is quite fragile. Pretty cute game for 1 player.
- Downloads: 5932
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- • Genre: action
Based on the movie. A rock climber has to deal with a gang of terrorists who have stolen a lot of money. He travels through the mountains, uses weapons (knives, machine guns) and fists. The main thing is not to fall into some abyss or not to get under an avalanche. A lot of challenging enemies and bosses. Single-player game.
- Downloads: 13162
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Clock Tower

- • Genre: adventure
A horror-filled adventure. We are given the role of a fifteen-year-old girl Jennifer - an orphan from a women's orphanage. She and three other girls decide to shelter the owner of a large mansion in Norway. Who would have thought that this is just an excuse to kill innocent orphans. The killer is Bobby, better known as Scissor Man, and the cave under the Clock Tower is his bloody haven. We must perform a series of difficult logical actions to escape from this hell, taking with us one of the surviving girlfriends. This game has many endings, mostly bad. It was released only in Japan, luckily there are translation in English.
- Downloads: 37862
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- • Genre: puzzle
Kids! Never break an alarm clock! You'll be sucked into a world of hands and gears. Anyway, the hero of Clock Works got sucked in. And the poor kid in his pajamas is walking through strange levels. In which he has to pass from one point to another. In the game, our hero spins like an arrow and can only move from one point to another. He can also change the direction of his movement. This is useful, because the levels are arranged arrows, collisions with which are fatal for the man in pajamas. A puzzle game with pretty good graphics and average sound. If you like puzzles, then download it.
- Downloads: 2196
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- • Genre: board game
A logic game in which you have to investigate a crime. The map is a field similar to monopoly. 3-6 players. The opponents take turns rolling a die, after which they perform some actions: visit certain parts of the house, find out where someone was and what they were doing.
- Downloads: 3001
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College Football USA 97

- • Genre: sports
Sports game. Soccer. League 1997. As always, everything looks decent and runs to all the standards of that playing time.
- Downloads: 2478
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College Slam

- • Genre: sports
Basketball. A decent game idea, but alas lame in terms of gameplay. It is not rich and quite boring, which is why this game will only take up this game only loyal fans, and the rest it will be to the same place.
- Downloads: 3116
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- • Genre: puzzle
A logical game similar to tetris fun. Those who played the "magic block" on the 8-bit console will not have much difficulty in getting into this game. There was a time when from such ideas dragged the whole family. Eh, that was the time!
- Downloads: 13519
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Combatribes, The

- • Genre: beat'em up
Beat'em up by Technos. Several different characters (three to be exact), lots of enemies and cool bosses. Graphics and sound are not so important, the main thing is the action. You can play alone, with two people, or against each other.
- Downloads: 13917
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Computer Nouryoku Kaiseki - Ultra Baken

- • Genre: simulation
Despite the mysterious name, in front of us is a very simple game. The game companies have quite a decent number of such projects.
- Downloads: 2665
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Congo - The Movie - Secret of Zinj

- • Genre: action-adventure
An adventure game on a rather old artistic idea. Not bad game design and quality gameplay will bring you a lot of fun.
- Downloads: 5381
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Congo's Caper

- • Genre: platformer
A platformer. A primitive half-guy half-monkey, armed with a club, travels through the jungle, collecting diamonds along the way. Average in picture and sound quality of the game, nevertheless it can be quite addictive. The game is for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 9310
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Contra III: The Alien Wars

- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Konami Co., Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1992
A worthy continuation of the Contra series on SNES. In the distant future, in the year 2636, aliens begin a full-scale invasion of Earth. Our heroes will have to fight them back. Compared to the eight-bit games of the series, the possibilities of characters have expanded. Now you can carry two types of weapons, climb walls, shoot aslant not only on the run and shoot from both barrels at once. And there are more weapons - there are powerful missiles, weaker homing missiles and flamethrower. In addition to levels with side view, there are levels with top view, where the player can turn the image as he wants. The game features lots of explosions, advanced effects and creepy bosses. The versions for different regions are different. The US version is more complicated than the Japanese one - it has finite sequels and the real ending is only available in hard mode. In the European version, humans have been replaced by robots.
- Downloads: 68869
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Controller Test Cassette
- • Genre: non-game
A program that gives you 100% uptime of your controller by testing it. What the hell do you need it for? I really don't!
- Downloads: 1856
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Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki - Super Senshi Shutsugeki seyo!

- • Genre: strategy
Combat in turn-based mode. Before you start, you choose your units based on what characteristics they have (energy, attack, defense), and then throw them into battle. The game is in Japanese, so those who want to try to fight. The graphics are of low quality, but the music is not bad.
- Downloads: 1706
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Cool Spot

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Virgin Games, Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1993
A game about the soda symbol 7 Up. Your character - a red dot - wanders through the levels, freeing his friends from the cages. To do this, you need to collect a certain number of red circles. The game is easy and pleasant to play. For 1 player.
- Downloads: 19758
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Cool World

- • Genre: action
A funny game that combines adventure and quest. The hero finds himself in a cool world full of strange creatures and all sorts of things. Necessary inventory can be bought in stores or found during the game. Single-player game.
- Downloads: 8573
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Corn Buster
- • Genre: action
You control a dinosaur that wanders around the streets of the city and visits different places. There he can buy necessary things and play games, the main of which is to drive the ball on the playing field and move forward (i.e. up). The playing fields are varied and challenging in some places. The game is for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 3086
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Coron Land

- • Genre: arcade
A game in a wanderlust style. Colorful game design and pleasant musical accompaniment will not disappoint you for a minute. Definitely play this game!
- Downloads: 4195
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