SPC Players and Utilities
Audio Overload v2.0
Wonderful multi-format player. Port for Windows. Supports formats:
- AHX - Commodore Amiga
- AY - Amstrad CPC/Spectrum ZX/Atari ST
- COP - Sam Coupe
- DSF - Sega Dreamcast
- GBS - Nintendo Gameboy
- GSF - Nintendo Gameboy Advance
- GYM - Sega Megadrive/Genesis
- HES - PC Engine
- HVL - Commodore Amiga
- IMF - PC-compatibles, various Apogee games
- MDX - Sharp X68000
- MOD - Commodore Amiga
- NSF - Nintendo NES
- NSFE - Nintendo NES (enhanced tags)
- ORC - TRS-80 Orchestra-90
- PSF - Sony PlayStation
- PSF2 - Sony PlayStation II
- QSF - Capcom QSound
- RAW - PC-compatibles with an AdLib
- ROL - PC-compatibles, AdLib Visual Composer
- S3M - PC-compatibles with a GUS or SoundBlaster
- S98 - NEC PC-98
- SAP - Atari XL/XE
- SCI - PC-compatibles, various Sierra games
- SNDH - Atari ST
- SPC - Super Nintendo
- SPU - Sony Playstation
- SSF - Sega Saturn
- VGM - Sega Master System/Game Gear
- VTX - Spectrum Vortex Tracker
- WSR - Bandai WonderSwan/Wonderswan Color
- YM - Amstrad CPC/Spectrum ZX/Atari ST
- Size: 994 KiB
- Downloads: 12465
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Audio Overload v2.0
Wonderful multi-format player. Mac OS port.
- Size: 3.6 MiB
- Downloads: 5003
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Audio Overload v2.0
Wonderful multi-format player. Linux port.
- Size: 1.1 MiB
- Downloads: 4687
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Game Emu Player (foo_gep.dll) 1.77
Plugin for foobar2000 9.0. Supports GBS, GYM, HES, NSF, NSFE, SPC and VGM music formats.
- Date: 28.11.2009
- Size: 249 KiB
- Downloads: 5021
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HBSPC Player v2.2b6
Good SPC player. There is support for skins and the ability to hide the program in the tray.
- Size: 275 KiB
- Downloads: 1752
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JCOM-SPC v1.7.1
SPC player on SNESAPU engine. Support for skins.
- Size: 214 KiB
- Downloads: 1450
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KuroNekoSPC v3.968
Nipon SPC player. There are some channel customization options, archive support, ZSNES Save State/Move Sate (bad) and some other stuff.
- Size: 318 KiB
- Downloads: 1386
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Meridian Advance v1.09
Multi-platform player. Supports NSF, GYM, GBS and SPC formats. There is a system of skins.
- Date: 23.03.2004
- Size: 338 KiB
- Downloads: 5208
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SNESAmp v3.33
One of the best SPC players. Player as a plugin for Winamp, also supports ZST.
- ID666 tag editor
- Plays SPC, ZST, and RSN (RAR'd SPC archives).
- Separate control dialog for adjusting playback settings in real-time
- Size: 493 KiB
- Downloads: 2322
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SPC Disassembler v0.2
SPC disassembler. If you want to, you can learn the structure of SPC and how it works in general =)
- Size: 14 KiB
- Downloads: 1341
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SPC to ROM Converter v1.0
With this utility you can convert SPC to a regular SNES ROM with music.
- Date: 08.09.2001
- Size: 40 KiB
- Downloads: 1296
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SPC Tool 0.61
Utility for working with SPC. You can, for example, convert music to wav or midi.
- Size: 79 KiB
- Downloads: 1877
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spc2midi v0.023
Utility from Gigo, author of nfs2mid, G-SPC, G-NSF and G-NES. Convert SPC to midi.
- Size: 104 KiB
- Downloads: 1777
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SPCAMP v0.601
Plugin for winamp SPC player, ZSNES engine is taken as a basis.
- Size: 91 KiB
- Downloads: 1437
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SPCPlay v0.700
SPC and ZST player. Has the lowest system requirements.
- Size: 51 KiB
- Downloads: 1229
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Super Jukebox v3.3
Very good SPC player. Supports ZIP, RAR and ACE. Contains three sound engines - Zsnes, Snes9x and SNESAmp, allowing you to switch between them.
- Size: 948 KiB
- Downloads: 1531
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Winamp2 SPC Player Plugin v2.05
Not a bad SPC player as a plugin for Winamp.
- Size: 146 KiB
- Downloads: 1411
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Xtended SPC v2.25
An excellent SPC player. Previously known as XSPC. RAR support is available.
- Size: 330 KiB
- Downloads: 1351
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ZD-SPC v2.8
This player was created in Visual C++ 6.0 and will run even on a 486+. It has three sound engines from SPCTool, ZSNES and SNES9x.
- Size: 924 KiB
- Downloads: 1376
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ZST2SPC v1.01
Extracts music from ZSNES'a saves in SPC format, eh would be and with NSF so easy.... =)
- Size: 39 KiB
- Downloads: 1324
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