Versioning - Window title shows the current version number - executing from the command line with "version" will display the version number - the -v flag outputs the git revision - eg gopher2600 version -v - VERSION command available in the debugger terminal Bankswitching - Implemented UA mapping scheme CRT Effects - Improved bevel effect - Improved noise implementation, which is now part of the interference effect - Added flicker effect Debugger - LAST command correctly shows partial disassembly when running in CLOCK quantum - Added CYCLE quantum 6507 Disassembly - Improved disassembly when decoding previously unseen instructions Renderer - Added simplified renderer targeting OpenGL2.1 - Executable must be compiled to use this alternative renderer - New renderer does not support CRT effects or screenshots - Principle reason for addition is to support the Raspberry Pi Bug fixes - Fixed crashes caused when the program window was resized so that it was too small - this only affected some debugging windows (eg. the disassembly window)