Download Watara Supervision Games
Alien (199x) (Supervision)

Horizontal Scroller. You control a fighter jet, which flies through picturesque terrains, shooting hordes of formidable enemy. There are two types of weapons at your disposal: a classic rapid-fire gun and a powerful projectile launcher. By the way, there is an interesting feature of the game. The thing is that to launch it you need to hold down the "Fire" button for a certain amount of time, and at the level there are enemies that can be killed only by it, and it is impossible to dodge them. Here and have to be constantly on standby; now you see this enemy, as immediately press the button, hoping that the shell will fly out faster than the enemy ship will have time to catch up with you.
There are a total of six levels and several types of enemies. The edges of the levels are often relief, and considering that you can't hit them, you have to be careful in this respect. Moreover, after losing a life you have to start the level again. It should be noted that the game provides a choice of any passed level.
In general, it is a good and playable scroller.
- Size: 15 KiB
- Downloads: 1699
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Balloon Fight (199x) (Watara)

16 levels of grandiose balloon fights. The protagonist - either a bear or a piglet - must eliminate all his enemies (they are definitely birds) by bursting their balloons. Feathered birds, having lost their inflated means of transportation through the air, fall down with a stone, right on the deadly stakes (without even trying to flap their wings). In order to burst the balloon, you just need to step on it from above. It is clear that if a bird does the same thing with your balloon (or rather, with two balloons), you will have to fly down. The process is diversified by the fans available on the level, having got under the air jet of which you can sharply fly upwards.
It's fun to play. Control is exactly as it should be - moderately naughty (so that it was not too easy), and at the same time allows you to maneuver well with a certain skill. In general, I recommend it.
- Size: 15 KiB
- Downloads: 1516
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Block Buster & Cross High (199x) (Supervision)

There are two games here at once. The first one, Block Buster, is available in a separate variant. The second is Cross High. Let's take a closer look at it.
We are given a motorcycle. The goal is to pass the track in the allotted time, and in the beginning you can choose one of three levels of complexity, differing in the requirement for the time of passing the track. The tracks themselves are a set of obstacles (including numerous jumps, slow passing sections, all sorts of hills, etc.). The gameplay, despite the extremely limited control (the speed button and the "left-right" controller to prevent falling), is very interesting. The thing is that, in addition to the usual speed, the motorcycle has a sharp acceleration, which, however, has a limited reserve. At the same time, bonuses with this acceleration are spread along the track. So, the key to a successful passage lies in the skillful use and collection of this ability (there is a correlation: without using acceleration is impossible to get it). Acceleration allows you to fly over slow passable areas, fly to the "upper beams" for a faster passage, and in general, it adds beauty and grace to the passage.
The high replayability of Cross High is due to the fact that the player is constantly improving his driving skills, achieving more and more accurate and "optimized" passing the track.
- Size: 16 KiB
- Downloads: 1270
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Block Buster (199x) (Supervision)

Tetris regular, one piece. Absolutely no innovations, absolutely clean gameplay without any fiddles. Fans of this game will be pleased with the ability to choose the initial speed of falling blocks (total - nineteen) and the number of blocks already available at the beginning of the game (up to the ninth level).
- Size: 8 KiB
- Downloads: 1292
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Brain Power (199x) (Supervision)

An absolutely stunning set of four games. Let's take a look at them all in order:
Mine Detector.
This is a well-known Windows-based sapper. The goal is to clear the field by finding all the mines. The number written on an open cell shows how many mines surround it (on nine adjacent cells). At the beginning of the game you can choose the total number of mines placed on the field (55, 66 or 77).
Fortune Four.
Three-dimensional X's and Z's! Moving into space implies a more thorough approach to running the game. The meaning becomes much deeper, and the gameplay becomes more complex and interesting. You need to simultaneously think about twenty-four horizontal, nine vertical, and even sixteen inclined lines, building which, you can defeat your opponent.
Meet snake! This fruit eater will not stop at anything for the inexorable desire to increase in size. She will be hindered by walls, bugs, obstacles, but she will still grow, making her way through the levels!
A very popular board game, popularly known as "Solitaire". On the playing field cross-shaped spread some number of chips. The goal is to leave only one chip on the field, guided by the following rule: the chip, which jumped over another, is removed. There are 7 different puzzles in total.
- Size: 14 KiB
- Downloads: 1190
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Carrier (199x) (Travellmate)

Sokoban - and that says it all. For those who are not yet familiar with this bizarre little man moving boxes to the specified points, I will say: - You have lost a lot! This is one of the most outstanding puzzle games of the twentieth century, which has been on almost all platforms. In Carrier the progression through the levels is carried out in the following way: you are given ten "tasks", which can be solved in any order; if you manage to solve all of them, you move to the next level, where we are waiting for new ten tasks, already more difficult, and so on up to five.... The tasks themselves are very well thought out and make your brain work properly.
Perhaps, it is not superfluous to mention the possibility to cancel the last movement.
- Size: 10 KiB
- Downloads: 1276
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Cave Wonders (1992) (Bon Treasure)

On the emulator goes glitchy. I couldn't understand the meaning of the game :)
- Size: 24 KiB
- Downloads: 1140
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Challenger Tank (199x) (Watara)

You are entrusted with a very difficult mission - to lead the tank through the enemy territory. Naturally, your tank is the coolest of all, so there are certain chances to win....
The game is a vertical scroller with full control over the vehicle. Both the tank itself and its barrel can be directed in any direction (even diagonally!), which is a great rarity for games of this kind.
Classic pumping is provided - there are boxes on the road, the contents of which cyclically change if you fire the cannon at them. This way you can choose the most suitable bonus (weapon upgrade or extra life). A very fun bonus is firing in all four directions. In a coupe with the ability to move in any direction, it allows you to completely dominate your opponent. That is why the time of validity of such bonuses is limited.
- Size: 16 KiB
- Downloads: 1270
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Chimera (199x) (Supervision)

We play as an astronaut who must stop nuclear self-destruction on a ship called Chimera.
Apparently, the gameplay is of some interest. It boils down to wandering around rooms, opening doors, finding and using all sorts of items, etc. In addition, the ship has zones of high radioactivity, a long stay in which is destructive to the body (sensors of its state are constantly present on the screen).
The game is quite atmospheric. It is also worth mentioning that it is available on Spectrum....
- Size: 19 KiB
- Downloads: 1147
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Crystball (1991) (Travellmate)

- • Genre: arcade
Arkanoid. The game works correctly in MAME (MESS) emulator.
- Size: 11 KiB
- Downloads: 1296
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Delta Hero (1992) (Bon Treasure)

The hero named Wei-Wei must find the long lost treasure, destroying the enemies that meet on the way. He has to pass through five levels, in each of which you need to collect bags of gold. An interesting feature of the game is that the life force is constantly decreasing, so in addition to treasures, you have to collect magic food, which restores this very force.
In order to get to the next level, you need, firstly, to find a way out of the current one and, secondly, to collect enough gold coins. For self-defense, Wei-Wei is endowed with the ability to shoot.
The gameplay is not very exciting, but you can play.
- Size: 16 KiB
- Downloads: 1183
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Eagle Plan (1992) (GTC Inc)

Aircraft Simulator. You have an arsenal of 30 missiles and an endless supply of small arms to accomplish various "missions". The fighter can tilt sideways and up and down. There are two views (cockpit view and third-person view). Unfortunately, I never managed to see any enemies on the emulator, although, judging by the description on the cartridge, the game is very good....
- Size: 16 KiB
- Downloads: 1198
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Earth Defender (1992) (Bon Treasure)

Earth Defender is a robot created by scientists to protect the Earth from future alien attacks. It should be said that he did not have to sit idle for long - the enemies attacked with all their mass...
Gameplay is a horizontal shooter with the ability to jump up and shoot in any direction. There are a lot of enemies, they flicker in front of your eyes, and the robot control is not quite convenient - and this puts its imprint on the complexity of the passage.
The possibility of improving the killing tool is provided (you need to collect bonuses floating in the air).
- Size: 18 KiB
- Downloads: 1209
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Fatal Craft (1992) (Bon Treasure)

Horizontal scroller of a new generation :). It's all about the progressive pumping system used in this game: there are six weapon bays on board. After destroying some enemies (or a group of enemies), a star remains in their place, which carries an upgrade, and if you take it, the first compartment is filled with a new type of weapon. It can be activated immediately, but you can also wait for another star, and then the second compartment will be filled, which will carry another type of weapon, more powerful. In addition, there is a possibility to increase the maneuvering speed (the compartment is filled with a new type of fuel).
Thus, Fatal Craft is a tricked-out shooter with very high playability.
- Size: 18 KiB
- Downloads: 1242
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Final Combat (199x) (Watara)

Stunning tank battles in picturesque arenas. As always, you are alone, and there are many of them. But this does not prevent you from successfully fighting and winning. The game is reminiscent of NES's "Tanks", though here we don't need to defend anything, but even on the contrary - we need to attack!
After destroying a certain number of enemy tanks, you need to break through the strong fence of their main building and, having bombed it, go to the next level. Enemy tanks are divided into two groups: those that can move around the map, like you, and those that stand in one place, but can shoot in different directions. The lack of the latter is compensated by their strong armor.
The gameplay is dynamic and really interesting. Recommended!
- Size: 16 KiB
- Downloads: 1150
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Galactic Crusader (199x) (Watara)

Quite average vertical scroller with weak graphics. Our spaceship scours the vast expanses of the universe, of course, shooting off all sorts of space junk.
Subjectively the gameplay can not hold the screen for long. Plus, the pumping system is something inarticulate. The only joy is the presence in the arsenal of five powerful bombs, which wipe to powder absolutely everything that was on the screen at the moment of their explosion. When their supply runs out, the fun ends with them :)
- Size: 26 KiB
- Downloads: 1137
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Galaxy Fighter (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)

The most magnificent space scroller with excellent graphics! Awesome special effects, "colorful" animation and precise gameplay do not let the player go for a minute! The game squeezes everything possible out of the console - enemies are diverse and well-drawn, bosses look terrifying, pumping at its maximum makes a lasting impression!
Perhaps the only disadvantage of the game is that, after the first hit in the ship of an enemy shell, the level has to start again. However, this is compensated for by the fast pumping and, consequently, not too high difficulty of the game.
- Size: 22 KiB
- Downloads: 1267
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Grand Prix (1992) (Bon Treasure)

Not being a fan of the formula car racing genre (especially "flat"), I can hardly characterize this game in any way.
Immediately after pressing the start button, without any preludes, the competition begins. It seems that all the most necessary components are present, and the gameplay is traditional. The success of passing depends on skillful overtaking of rivals and correct actions on sharp turns (as in real races).
And you can also admire the monuments of architecture rising above the horizon :)
- Size: 23 KiB
- Downloads: 1316
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Happy Pairs (1992) (Sachen)

A logical game in which I never realized what I had to do :) Given three lives and three attempts at something there....
A lot of puzzles, beautiful backgrounds that you can choose at the beginning and most likely an interesting gameplay :)
- Size: 31 KiB
- Downloads: 1077
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Hash Blocks & Eagle Plan (1992) (GTC Inc)

A compilation consisting of two games. Both are available in a "standalone" version.
- Size: 20 KiB
- Downloads: 1045
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Hash Blocks (1991) (GTC Inc)

A very interesting variation on the theme of Tetris. Figures consisting of three symbols lined up in a row fall from the top. These figures can be rotated, as well as change the order of symbols inside. At the same time, if a row of four identical elements is formed at the bottom, it disappears. There are several "skins" (or rather, types of elements), which you can choose at the beginning of the game.
There are two modes. The first one is a banal collection of points. The second one is for passing; you need to achieve the disappearance of the symbol flashing in the lowest row - after that you move to the next level.
- Size: 10 KiB
- Downloads: 1119
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Hero Kid (1992) (Hartung)

Quite a fun arcade game about a boy running and jumping through the levels. And running and jumping are the main components of the gameplay here, because if you don't run, you may not have time to get to the finish line (life gradually burns out), and if you don't jump, you will either collide with the enemy or fall into the abyss (both are destructive).
In general, jumps in this game are elevated to a special rank, as they are not done "just like that" (as, for example, in Mario), but with a certain complexity - to jump higher, you need to press two buttons at once. The hero is always trying not to jump over, or not to jump up :)
At the beginning of the game you can choose any available level.
- Size: 17 KiB
- Downloads: 1261
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Honey Bee (199x) (Watara)

Another scroller on SuperVision. In general, it is quite ordinary, but there are two interesting features. The first one is that there is no pumping. Second - there is a homing mode. When the enemy is already close, the sight is automatically aimed at him and a flurry of shells tears the enemy to pieces! :) Because of this chip, in principle, and it is worth launching the game. And also you can admire rather "juicy" landscapes below.
Bosses are present.
- Size: 23 KiB
- Downloads: 1182
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Jacky Lucky (1992) (Bon Treasure)

A pot-bellied dude with a stick walks around the levels and smashes everything with it - enemies, stones, and just air (there's nothing to do!). Enemies, of course, die (but not all of them!), and stones - leave behind valuable things: mushrooms, stars, rings. Feeding on them, you can learn to shoot or become invulnerable. At the end of the levels you will be waited by quite fun bosses (who would have thought that the first boss will be a regular bull!).
In general, you can play.
- Size: 14 KiB
- Downloads: 1239
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Jaguar Bomber (1992) (Bon Treasure)

Some unimpressive scroller. The gameplay is too unimpressive - there is no pumping, the ship is slow, and in general, everything runs somehow lazy and unhurried. There are bosses, but they don't add any variety.
Graphics is good.
- Size: 17 KiB
- Downloads: 1157
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John Adventure (199x) (Watara)

A toy similar to Hash Blocks.
At the beginning we are offered to choose the level to start playing and the speed. At each level you need to complete the task - to achieve the disappearance of all the flashing balls. Disappearance occurs if you line up four balls of the same color.
- Size: 20 KiB
- Downloads: 1162
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Kabi Island (199x) (Watara)

Bomberman. Choose one of the six levels and let's go on our way.
Despite the small size of the screen, the developers shoved very "rich" maps into the game, and this flickering is a bit confusing. The gameplay is far from easy, you have to constantly dodge from annoying enemies, and the next bomb is allowed to be placed only after the explosion of the previous one....
- Size: 25 KiB
- Downloads: 1099
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Linear Racing (199x) (Watara)

It's emulated crookedly... It looks like some kind of tricked out spots.....
- Size: 14 KiB
- Downloads: 962
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Magincross (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)

Horizontal Scroller. Its main feature is that the ship can transform into three different forms - two kinds of ship and a robot (remember a similar toy on NES?), each of which has a different type of weapon.
By collecting speed bonuses, you can greatly increase maneuverability and "obedient" control. There is a health bar, which can be restored by collecting "medical kits".
Otherwise, it's just an ordinary scroller. Bosses are rather uninteresting, and the gameplay is traditional.
- Size: 25 KiB
- Downloads: 1111
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Matta Blatta (199x) (Watara)

A very strange scroller. At your disposal - a healthy, extremely slow ship with a pathetic gun, and you are attacked by the same healthy, but only very fast opponents, and there are a lot of them....
No pumping, no variety (the first level consists of ten repetitions), without any hint of interest...
- Size: 17 KiB
- Downloads: 1039
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Olympic Trials (1992) (Watara)

A collection of sports games that allows you to practice six Olympic disciplines: 110-meter hurdles, long jump, archery, shot put, rowing and cycling.
The gameplay and controls are pretty traditional. For example, to run faster, you need to alternately press both buttons, and to jump up - press "up". In order to move to the next discipline, you need to show the required result, which, by the way, is not always possible to do :).
In general, the game feels competitive, and many disciplines are really interesting to pass through.
- Size: 22 KiB
- Downloads: 1064
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P-52 Sea Battle (199x) (Watara)

An extremely interesting collection of naval combat games. Four fundamentally different modes, each of which is associated with the destruction of enemy military equipment.
At the beginning we are offered to choose the country, which submarine is to be used in battles (without hesitation, click on the miniature flag of the Soviet Union), and the game mode: classic arcade naval combat, underwater battle, bombing enemy ships and planes from below and, finally, the destruction of a huge shooting vessel. Each battle has a certain amount of lives and a limited supply of torpedoes, and if any of them runs out before the time is up - you'll have to start again.
There are 16 levels in total (enemies get stronger and more aggressive).
- Size: 13 KiB
- Downloads: 1144
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PacBoy and Mouse (199x) (Watara)

A very fun and interesting game. The main character is a boy who took to free the city from the invasion of nasty mice, which, in addition, scared his favorite girl.
The gameplay boils down to the following. On the map there are many blocks that form a maze and a few mice running purposefully behind our hero. The goal is to destroy all the rodents by pushing blocks on them.
A block can be pushed only if there is an empty space behind it, otherwise it simply burns. The mice themselves can also destroy blocks (which they do). However, there are some iron blocks on the map that can only be pushed.
- Size: 14 KiB
- Downloads: 1061
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Penguin Hideout (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)

We play as a brave penguin, who must, fighting off evil seals, move all the diamonds to the specified place.
The gameplay could be called completely similar to PacBoy and Mouse (here you need to push stones), if it were not for the diamonds. They need to be hooked first, and then carried to the arrow. At the same time terribly annoying seals do everything to make this mission of yours fail - they are very fast and can also anticipate stones. A new enemy appears in place of a stone-crushed enemy, so don't even hope for indulgences! :)
The game is difficult, but interesting.
- Size: 21 KiB
- Downloads: 1026
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Police Bust (199x) (Bon Treasure)

A clone of Pac Man game on the theme of thieves and cops. The classic gameplay has some added features. For example, you can put three obstacles that will block the way of your pursuer, or, taking a grenade, use it as a means of destroying annoying representatives of the law.
However, the gameplay is much inferior to the original. If you want a real drive, you'd better look for that round dude running away from ghosts!
- Size: 11 KiB
- Downloads: 1052
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Pyramid (199x) (Watara)

Tetris is not for the faint of heart. Figures of the most irregular shape, made of rectangular triangles, you need to manage to put them in rows without gaps. If you're bored with classic Tetris and crave a thrill, this is the one!
You can choose the speed and level.
- Size: 12 KiB
- Downloads: 1031
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Soccer Champion (199x) (Hartung)

Soccer is a difficult game. Is it realistic to make it good on such a modest system as SuperVision? Looking at Soccer Champion, we come to the conclusion that it is at least a difficult task. You can see that the developers tried very hard, but they failed to make something playable. Some inarticulate gameplay, intermittent movements of players, a complete mess when crowding....
However, we should thank them for the fact that among the available teams there is also Russia :)
- Size: 15 KiB
- Downloads: 1037
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SSSnake (199x) (Watara)

A snake with a fun innovation. Each eaten apple leaves behind a stump, which must also be eaten. And the already eaten stump makes the guard appear on the screen, and collision with him is fatal. And if at the first levels the meaning of this is not quite clear, then in the following levels, when the number of apples increases dramatically, it becomes clear - this is a game for real fans of extreme crawling! Not only that you can't hit the walls and yourself, but also those nasty guards, appearing in the most unexpected places, don't give you a rest. And apples with stumps must be collected hollow .... In short, fun!
- Size: 21 KiB
- Downloads: 1115
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Super Block (1992) (Bon Treasure)

Three games on the theme of throwing blocks.
In Play Block, you are given a set of blocks arranged in a pile. The goal is to make sure that there are no more than three of them left. A block (or a group of blocks) disappears if another block with the same symbol on it is thrown at them. Blocks recochet off all walls. You should always think about the fact that you can always launch an existing block somewhere.
In Fill Block, pieces fall from above, which, with the help of the block launcher, must be built up to rectangles - then they disappear.
In Hit Block, blocks with different symbols fall from above and the block launcher must bombard them with the same blocks (for this purpose there is a possibility to choose the block to be launched).
In general, you can play it a couple of times.
- Size: 9 KiB
- Downloads: 1017
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Super Kong (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)

In this fun game play you must prevent the gorilla from reaching the top by bombarding him with projectiles. Different objects fall from the sky, some of which block the path of the projectiles, and others - help in the confrontation with the super-monkey (increased speed, extra lives). The gorilla himself can also throw, and with each level (and there are three in total) he does it more and more often. To dodge its fire, you have to jump down from the rope every now and then, and then climb up again. Plus, on the third level there are worms that climb up the rope and bite you. Finally, time is running out!
Well, in general, you realized - it will not be easy at all. However, the gameplay is interesting and original. This monkey must be beaten to death - and that's it!
- Size: 28 KiB
- Downloads: 1059
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Tasac 2010 (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)

Another side-scroller. Everything is quite banal - enemies, bosses (not bad, it must be said), traditional form of pumping.... At the beginning you can choose any of the ten available levels.
However, I'll note one strange feature: shooting tends to cross enemies without touching them (especially in motion)...
- Size: 26 KiB
- Downloads: 1013
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Tennis Pro '92 (1992) (B.I.T.S)

Quite a good tennis simulator, especially considering the SuperVision capabilities. Good character animation, easy controls, realistic gameplay - what else do you need?
There are three difficulty levels.
- Size: 20 KiB
- Downloads: 1010
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Treasure Hunter (199x) (Watara)

Meet the digger on SuperVision!
The goal is to collect all the treasures in the level by digging the ground and watching out for stones that fall if there is a void underneath. After collecting all the treasures, you need to find the door, which is the pass to the next level. You should act quickly, as there is a time limit.
Gameplay is traditional. This version is done well - the levels are thoughtful and interesting. Recommended!
- Size: 10 KiB
- Downloads: 1028
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