Video > Walkthroughs Sega Genesis Games

Alien 3
A quick and entertaining walkthrough of Alien 3.Author: John Brain | Views: 33008

Altered Beast
A very vintage game from Sega.Played through three times. After each playthrough the difficulty increases. After the third playthrough the difficulty does not increase.
Author: Degen | Views: 25279

Ariel - The Little Mermaid
Walkthrough The Little Mermaid on high difficulty.Author: Kostey | Views: 28910

Chuck Rock
A game about the adventures of a primitive man named Chuck.Author: John Brain | Views: 25789

Devilish - The Next Possession
This pinball game is passable and it even has a story, enemies and bosses.Author: Degen | Views: 22584

Dinosaurs for Hire
Contra with dinosaurs!Author: John Brain | Views: 25562

El Viento
Annette saves the world from Satan's worshippers.Author: Degen | Views: 26702

ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege
ESWAT is far from the easiest game to get through.Author: John Brain | Views: 30898

The little bird will save the chickens throughout the 48 levels.Author: Kostey | Views: 30901

You will see more jumping and climbing in Gargoyles than you will in Spiderman.Author: Tork | Views: 26973

Ghouls N Ghosts
The Ghouls 'N Ghosts series is known for its hellish difficulty, but watching Degen play it is hard to believe. There are no re-recordings in the original walkthrough.Author: Degen | Views: 28493

Gunstar Heroes
A killer co-op walkthrough of Gunstar Heroes.Author: Azgart и JohnX895 | Views: 25843

High Seas Havoc
One of the most difficult platformers on SMD. This walkthrough was done on an emulator, in no case try to repeat on a real sega.Author: Kostey | Views: 34753

Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja
The game is played in the B-B-A-B path with the best ending chosen. Alternative endings can be seen as a bonus at the end of the video.Author: Dzhon | Views: 30064

Mercs (Arcade Mode)
20 minutes of non-stop action.Author: John Brain | Views: 27458

Mercs (Original Mode)
Very intense game, even Contra isn't that fast.Author: John Brain | Views: 30156

Out of this World
At one time Out of this World was considered a very cool game.Author: Tork | Views: 30063

Rambo III
Rambo's adventures in Afghanistan.Author: Gennadiy_Master | Views: 25377

Rolling Thunder 2
A game with cover and rolls, just like a 16 bit Gears of War.Author: Kostey D. | Views: 25593

Sonic Spinball
Complete walkthrough of Sonic Spinball with collecting all rings and emeralds. Also played all Multi-Ball Stage and all bonus levels.Author: John Brain | Views: 25243

Sonic The Hedgehog
In this walkthrough, you will see how to collect all six emeralds and get the best ending in the game.Author: Kostey | Views: 35695

Sunset Riders
A killer game about the adventures of the brave amigo in the Wild West.Author: Dzhon | Views: 29526

Twinkle Tale
One of the undeservedly forgotten gems of the megadrive. No special features were used.Author: Degen | Views: 28488
Video > Walkthroughs Sega Genesis Games