Download Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Games
G-LOC: Air Battle

- • Genre: simulation
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Probe Software
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
Crazy arcade hit on the Genesis MD II - high quality graphics and great sound effects, two ways to view the air battle in progress, a variety of weapons and 16 amazing missions in the air, on land and at sea.
- Downloads: 5946
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Gadget Twins, The

- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Imagitec Design
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
The game is made in the style of a flying game. The characters are strange, chubby aeroplane types who hit enemies with a glove on a spring. The direction of the blow is set with the B button, which is not very convenient. The enemies are rather silly, and the game is generally mediocre. The game is suitable for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 4236
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- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Telenet Japan
- • Year of release: 1990 • Release Type: Released
Space scrolling shooter game that makes a lot. Your ship flies forward, sweeping away enemies that fall towards you in unbridled numbers. Weapons, of course, can be upgraded as you fly. Your ship is rather unreliable, exploding on every enemy hit, so shoot and manoeuvre without stopping. Single player game.
- Downloads: 8824
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Gain Ground

- • Genre: shooter
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Sanritsu Denki
- • Year of release: 1991 • Release Type: Released
Take control of a squad of desperate thugs as you shoot, hack, hammer and throw bombs at a variety of enemies in a very long game. A great game for simultaneous hacking and slashing with your buddy.
- Downloads: 8623
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- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Traveller's Tales
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
A chivalrous platform adventure with RPG elements: embark on a long journey, collect items, fight enemies and rescue the occasional princess.
- Downloads: 9790
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Galaxy Force II

- • Genre: shooter
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: CSK Research Institute
- • Year of release: 1991 • Release Type: Released
Another series about the destruction of an unknown enemy in space. View of the ship from the rear. It eliminates enemies with missiles, which is quite common for this type of toy. There are many enemies, of course, and they all try to hit the ship, which is protected by a shield (whose energy is limited). The game has three levels of difficulty.
- Downloads: 5816
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Gambler Jiko Chuushinha: Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou

- • Genre: board game
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Yellow Horn
- • Year of release: 1990 • Release Type: Released
If you know how to play Mahjong and are not afraid of a lot of hieroglyphics on the screen, you are welcome. Otherwise, don't expect any useful advice here. Learn the tricks, you might like it.
- Downloads: 2200
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Game no Kanzume Otokuyou

- • Genre: compilation
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Sega Enterprises
- • Year of release: 1995 • Release Type: Released
A collection of games, none of which will run on most emulators. Runs on Genesis Plus GX and BlastEm emulators. List of games: 16t, Flicky, Putter Golf, Hyper Marbles, Shi no Meikyu: Labyrinth of Death, Medal City, Paddle Fighter, Ikasuze! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD, Pyramid Magic, Robot Battler, Teddy Boy Blues, Aworg.
- Downloads: 2477
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Garfield: Caught in the Act

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: SEGA Interactive Development Division
- • Year of release: 1995 • Release Type: Released
A fat cat begins his adventures in the year three million B.C., fighting cavemen and getting into all sorts of mischief. Then he has to travel to Egypt to solve the curse of Kotleopatra, then he's a pirate, then a Viking, then... Cat Soup! The nature of the game itself is nothing new - it's a good old-fashioned platform adventure game of the sort we've seen plenty of before. Adventure fans will be amazed at the size of the levels and the complexity of the jumps and manoeuvres along the way.
- Downloads: 52849
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- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Walt Disney Computer Software
- • Year of release: 1995 • Release Type: Released
A game based on the famous Disney cartoon series. 18 levels, nice graphics, realistic animation, good sound. Plot: It all begins in medieval Scotland, where an ancient race of Gargoyles is fighting with roving bands of Vikings who have unjustly taken possession of the Eye of Odin (the same Scandinavian god). Goliath, the leader of the Gargoyles, was unjustly condemned and turned to stone, only to awaken centuries later in modern-day Manhattan. There he must search for a talisman that will enable him to successfully battle an evil race of robots. An intriguing but not easy game to master.
- Downloads: 73653
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Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank: War in the Gulf

- • Genre: simulation
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Imagineering
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
Simulator of an American M1T1 Abrams tank sent to fight in the desert near Iraq. Among the enemies are other tanks, helicopters and other vehicles. Our tank has not a bad armament to reduce all these vehicles to dust. The combat vehicles are very well animated, and the graphic design of the surroundings is not very good, although it is understandable - the desert. Sound and music are very good - various military tunes give you a sense of the real situation of the war. All in all, it turned out to be a great simulator.
- Downloads: 9685
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Gauntlet IV

- • Genre: action-RPG
- • Players: 4 (coop)
- • Developer: M2 Co.
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
Quite an interesting realisation of a well-known plot: you have to choose a character (warrior Thor, elf Questor, Valkyrie Tyra, etc.) endowed with some special qualities and with their help you have to go through the labyrinths of an ancient castle inhabited by ghosts, monsters and other evil things. The interesting thing about this game is that it is actually one of the earliest computer games: its first part was released at the turn of the 70s and 80s for the Atari platform. And now you have to travel this path with even more traps, puzzles and enemies. There are four game options: Arcade - just a game for fun, Quest - an actual RPG, Battle - a war of players (which can be up to four) against each other and Record - a game with all your achievements. It's a nice fantasy-style adventure game. It is especially interesting to play with four players.
- Downloads: 7804
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- • Genre: strategy
- • Players: 2
- • Developer: Koei
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
Turn-based strategy + RPG. One day, an evil sorcerer encased the spirit of a dragon and six wizards in gems. The king of Ishmeria ordered the gems to be placed in a crown and named it Gemfire. With its help, the ruler did great things for the good of his people. But the day has come when the crown, given to the evil king, has become a servant of darkness. You must restore peace to Ishmeria! At the start of the game, you choose one of four scenarios, the side you will play for and your advisor. As the game progresses, you will not only have to fight the enemy, but also develop various sectors of the economy. By analysing the data displayed on the screen under the leader's portrait, you will have to implement a balanced policy of industrial development, without forgetting to develop and defend the territories you have conquered. Japanese version: Royal Blood
- Downloads: 7494
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General Chaos

- • Genre: strategy
- • Players: 4 (coop)
- • Developer: Game Refuge
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
A strategy game where you have to destroy the enemy and take over their territory. You will play as one of two mad generals, who are constantly leading chaotic battles between them. Your squad of 5 fighters fights merrily against 5 mercenaries of General Havok. Soldiers are armed with a variety of weapons: assault rifles, hand grenades, rockets, flamethrowers and explosives. In Japanese: Dai Konsen.
- Downloads: 81054
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Generations Lost

- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Pacific Softspace
- • Year of release: 1994 • Release Type: Released
A very good puzzle-platformer. Your hero is armed with a kind of energy emitter, which, apart from being used as a weapon, also allows him to cling to the landscape and climb. The hero also fights with his fists and feet (the latter when jumping). The game's graphics are good, and the soundtrack is decent. In general, all the signs of a good game are there.
- Downloads: 32282
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Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf

- • Genre: strategy
- • Players: 2
- • Developer: Koei
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
Genghis Khan II is a turn-based historical strategy game based on the great Mongol conquests of the 13th century. Your task is to lead numerous nomadic hordes to conquer and unify Mongolia. You will then have to turn your attention to Europe and send your hordes there to conquer the entire civilised world and impose an unbearable tribute on its peoples. You will have to follow in the footsteps of great Mongolian warriors, demonstrating your ability to think strategically, manage your troops competently, and solve economic and diplomatic problems. Japanese version: Aoki Gentyouhishi
- Downloads: 10276
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Gensou Senki Kokou no Ryuu: Crying Dragon
- • Genre: action, RPG
- • Players: 1
- • Release Type: Unreleased
- Downloads: 19
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George Foreman's KO Boxing

- • Genre: sports
- • Players: 2
- • Developer: Probe Software
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
In a game that is clearly lacking in movement, George is finding things out about his opponents.
- Downloads: 2936
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- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Compile
- • Year of release: 1990 • Release Type: Released
A Ghostbusters themed game. You choose one of three heroes - and off you go to fight evil. Your heroes are armed with blasters and bombs (laugh, of course, but what to do), which they use to eliminate various representatives of otherworldly forces. The game is fairly average, in fact it's a standard run'n'gun with three difficulty levels for 1 player.
- Downloads: 25160
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Ghouls'n Ghosts

- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Capcom
- • Year of release: 1989 • Release Type: Released
Port of the second part of the arcade hit on Sega. The game is a high-quality port, the graphics are of course inferior to those of the arcade version, but that is inevitable. As in the first game, the knight Arthur rescues his beloved Princess Prin-Prin, whose soul has been captured by Lucifer himself (in this game, thanks to the censors, he is called Loki). Arthur fights enemies in armour, and when he takes damage he is left in nothing but his underwear. You can also find golden armour, which gives you the ability to store energy for attacks. In this game, you can throw weapons up and down as well as sideways. Traditionally for games in the series, all levels must be completed twice. The second time around, you can get a special weapon, without which you cannot get to the main boss. Japanese version: Dai Makaimura.
- Downloads: 34500
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