Super Nintendo Emulators for Game Boy Advance
SNES Advance v0.1F
SNES Advance is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Game Boy Advance. The emulator is almost entirely written in ARM assembly and is highly optimized to ensure maximum speed. However, due to GBA limitations and non-emulated features, some games may run slowly or incorrectly.
To create a ROM file, you need the SNES Advance builder, SuperDAT, and the emulator core file — SNESAdvance.bin. All these files can be found in the archive "". Extract the archive, run snesadvance.exe, add the SNES ROMs you want, and click "Save". The saved file will be your SNESAdvance GBA ROM.
The archive also includes a compatibility list and other documentation.
For the game Secret of Mana, there is a special SNESAdvance.bin where text issues have been fixed, along with a save file to skip the part of the game that crashes.
- Date: 2005-02-23
- Size: 3.3 MiB
- Downloads: 2894
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Snezziboy v0.26
SNES Emulator for GBA. The emulator is far from complete but is capable of running some games at a reasonable speed, though not at full performance.
According to the author, the following games run relatively well:
- Castlevania X
- Super Castlevania 4 (Mode 7 graphics not yet implemented)
- Gradius 3
- Megaman X, Megaman 7
- Darius Twin
- Super Mario World (some graphical artifacts and missing graphics)
- Super Mario All-Stars (Super Mario Bros, The Lost Worlds)
- Kirby's Avalanche (some graphical artifacts)
- Tetris Attack
The following three files must be in the same folder:
- snezzi.dat – Patch data file in text format.
(The file format is exactly the same as the superdat format for SNES Advance.) - snezzi.gba – The main executable file of the Snezziboy emulator.
- snezzi.exe – A tool for building a .gba file from an SNES ROM.
(Each SNES ROM will have its own .gba file.)
How to Run:
- Copy the SNES ROM file (.smc / .fig / .swc, etc.) into the same folder as snezzi.exe.
- Open the command line (DOS box) and run the following command: snezzi SNESGAME.SMC
(Alternatively, in Windows Explorer, drag the SNESGAME.SMC file onto snezzi.exe). - An output file SNESGAME.SMC.gba will be created in the same folder.
- During gameplay, use the L + R + Start combination to access the configuration menu.
- Date: 15.08.2006
- Size: 1.3 MiB
- Downloads: 2612
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