Super Nintendo Emulators for Symbian OS
AntSnes v0.8.6 / AntSnesQt v0.7.1
Super Nintendo Emulators for Symbian S60 5th edition and Symbian^3
- Date: 01.07.2011
- Size: 986 KiB
- Downloads: 4659
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Snes9x UIQ v0.40
Super Nintendo emulator for Symbian UIQ2.
With enabled sound starts to slow down. Works with both open and closed flip. To open flip can be pressed on several buttons at the same time - it is better to bind part of the buttons on the roller, and the camera and browser buttons. By default the buttons are not binded. To exit emulation mode, you need to hold the phone's off button for a few seconds.
Zipped ROM support.
SRAM support.
Save state support (with gzip compression option).
Selectable frameskip.
Configurable keys and touchpad.
Flip-closed mode for SE phones.
Full sound support (slow).
Problems / limitations
Due to various optimizations emulation accuracy was lost and most games have various graphical glitches, some are unplayable at all.
Some SNES PPU (pucture processing unit) effects cause major slowdowns.
Sound is still slow.
SuperFX games eather crash or are totally unplayable (No support for SA1.
- Date: 01.04.2006
- Size: 237 KiB
- Downloads: 5846
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vSun v1.1
Super Nintendo emulator for Symbian OS. Supported models (stated): Nokia N-gage (QD), 3650, 6600, 7610, 6680 (Versions for different smarts in the archive). Sound support, a large number of emulated games.
- Date: 21.03.2005
- Size: 1.2 MiB
- Downloads: 8536
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vSun Plus v1.0
Super Nintendo emulator for Symbian OS. Supported models (stated): Nokia Series 60 (Versions with different number of displayed colors in the archive). Much faster than Vsun 1.1, removed sound support, less number of emulated games.
- Date: 18.11.2005
- Size: 509 KiB
- Downloads: 6119
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