Download Super Nintendo (SNES) Games
- • Genre: action
A pretty decent action game. Your hero can turn into a wolf from time to time and in this state he is able to throw energy discharges at enemies. Bosses are available. The graphics in the game are not bad, and it is quite interesting to play. Three difficulty levels, the game is single player.
- Downloads: 6084
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Wolfenstein 3D
- • Genre: FPS
Famous old 3D action game. Your hero walks through gloomy labyrinths, killing packs of hateful fascists. For this he uses different types of weapons. The game is quite challenging, as the mazes are confusing and are made obviously not to make the player's life easier. Several difficulty levels.
- Downloads: 17446
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Wolverine - Adamantium Rage
- • Genre: action
Wolverine (aka Logan), one of X's mutants, fights a variety of monsters over several extended levels. He has the ability to fight with his hands and feet, sharp claws, high jumps and excellent agility. Quite a sufficient set for the elimination of enemies of any degree of complexity. Graphic and musical execution of the game at a high level. Single-player game.
- Downloads: 16891
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Wonder Project J - Kikai no Shounen Pino

- • Genre: simulation
Super Nintendo sometimes surprises with their original games like Actraiser (god simulator), E.V.O., Search for Eden, etc. Search for Eden (a game about evolution), etc. This game is also not an exception, it can be characterized as a "daddy simulator". You will have to raise not a child, but a real robot. The creators of the game are clearly inspired by the well-known fairy tale "Pinocchio". The name of our mentee also hints about it. With the help of the robot fairy Tinker will have to bring up our robot boy Pino. It is necessary to monitor aggression, athleticism, intelligence and sensitivity. If some indicator prevails, then the "roborebaby", respectively, and behave according to the prevailing character. If he is aggressive, he starts shouting, getting angry and generally disobeying you, if he is smart, he starts saying abstruse phrases, etc. The game is realized on all 5 points. There is an interesting plot about the oppression of robots. The game has great graphics, sometimes you get the impression that you are playing a real cartoon. Great music, as in the best animated works of Disney from our childhood. Very original gameplay, which is hardly seen these days. In the past, game creators knew how to create and made simply unparalleled things like this game. To know it in full will allow you to translate into. It's a pity that such beautiful things were released only in Japanese. A real gem of the 16-bit era. The game had a sequel that came out on the Nintendo 64.
- Downloads: 5429
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Wondrous Magic

- • Genre: RPG
A game with a certain charm. A complete mystery, and everything is clear about its genre. There's just something about it.
- Downloads: 2104
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- • Genre: puzzle
It's kind of like tetris with words. The game is not bad, the clown in the picture suddenly reminds me of Yuri Nikulin.
- Downloads: 1112
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World Class Rugby

- • Genre: sports
Rugby. It's a bit like regular soccer. Well, it's all right, it's all right to play anyway.
- Downloads: 1053
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World Class Rugby 2 - Kokunai Gekitou Hen '93

- • Genre: sports
Rugby. It's a bit like regular soccer. Well, it's all right, it's all right to play anyway.
- Downloads: 1322
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World Cup USA 94

- • Genre: sports
A kind of soccer. Many people will like this game very much. Try to approach the game as a sports match, not a wild human amusement and everything will be much more fun.
- Downloads: 1385
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World Heroes
- • Genre: fighting
World Heroes, that is, from all over the world gathered the most badass thugs and let them fight among themselves. According to the genre - it's a usual fighting game with good graphics and a medium set of blows.
- Downloads: 4431
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World Heroes 2
- • Genre: fighting
Fighting. The heroes are 14 fighters from different countries. In terms of graphics and sound design of the game is nothing special. And in the gameplay is not observed any advantages in comparison with other fighting games. Heroes fight for two victories, using a rather limited set of blows and skills. The game is for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 5271
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World League Soccer

- • Genre: sports
A kind of soccer. Many people will like this game very much. Try to approach the game as a sports match, not a wild human amusement and everything will be much more fun.
- Downloads: 1178
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World Masters Golf

- • Genre: sports
It's golf. Golfers, as it turns out, don't really like the early drafts on this topic. Like they don't match reality. But what is there to pick on, because any sports game of that century could be called the realm of fiction.
- Downloads: 1240
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World Soccer 94 - Road to Glory

- • Genre: sports
A kind of soccer. Many people will like this game very much. Try to approach the game as a sports match, not a wild human amusement and everything will be much more fun.
- Downloads: 1406
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- • Genre: strategy
Oh yes, this great game is just a hit on almost all platforms: turn-based battles of the great and invincible Worms. Here you can recruit your team of given worms and the terrain where you will mash. On a choice you are given just a bunch of weapons, not counting the secret - it and bazooka, and miniguns, bombs and so many familiar and beloved sheep, which explodes at your will. In general, it is worth a look, although I think that there are almost no people who would not know this game.
- Downloads: 12780
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Wrecking Crew '98
- • Genre: puzzle
The game consists of two parts: the first is the version that many people probably played on the NES, where Mario (or Luigi) has to destroy all the walls on each level; the second is Wrecking Crew '98, where Mario also has to destroy walls in competition mode with the computer (or another player) (the game, by the way, has a slight tint of Tetris, as the walls of the same color, lined up in a row, are destroyed by themselves).
- Downloads: 3567
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- • Genre: sports
Wrestling. The game is probably the highest quality "fake wrestling" simulator for the SNES. There are a dozen of real wrestlers to choose from, each with their own fighting strengths. The fights are made very cool and realistic - fights take place in the ring and outside it, fighters use punches and kicks, choke holds, jumping off the ropes and so on. You can also slap the referee. There are many modes of play - single player, tag team, endurance fights. This game for 1-4 players is recommended for all fans of martial arts.
- Downloads: 5267
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WWF Royal Rumble
- • Genre: sports
A very good wrestling simulator. You can have a single fight, a 2 on 2 and 3 on 3 fight, as well as a battle royal involving a whole crowd of fighters. Choose from a dozen characters (real ones) and 10 difficulty levels. The fights themselves are done quite well both graphically and gameplay-wise (in the style of WWF Raw, since the game is made by the same company). Fighters use hand and foot strikes, grapples with throws, jumping and rope kicks, and special moves. The game is interesting and fun to play, especially when there are many wrestlers in the fight. The game is for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 5049
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WWF Super WrestleMania

- • Genre: sports
Wrestling in all its glory. You choose a wrestler and go to the ring. Each wrestler (and there are about a dozen of them) has his own set of techniques, including the use of ropes. You can fight both one-on-one and in a team, including with another player. Graphic and sound design of the game is good, so make the ring flooring crackle properly.
- Downloads: 4070
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WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game
- • Genre: sports
- • Players: 2
Choose your character from the six available (in other versions - eight, here they removed sumoist Yokozuna and "fire" Bam Bam Bigelow) - and into the fight. The fights are very well done. Characters perform a variety of techniques, using ropes, jumps, grabs, holds and other means of fighting. Graphics and sound are also good. Perhaps, this wrestling simulator is one of the best (if not the best) for SNES.
- Downloads: 28841
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