Download NES Games
Bucky O'Hare

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Konami Co., Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1992
A game based on the comic of the same name. The plot of the game is immediately intriguing - the sneaky toads have captured the entire crew, except for Bucky, and taken the four friends to four different planets. Of course, the bunny captain has to rescue them. The beauty of the game is that the other astronauts are just as playable as their captain. You can replace one character with another by pressing 'Select'. If you press and hold the attack button, you'll also find that the heroes have special abilities. And when you save the whole team, you will find that the most interesting part is yet to come.... The levels will impress you with their beautiful graphics and dynamic effects, and the stylish and beautiful music will not leave you indifferent.
- Downloads: 41838
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Bugs Bunny Birthday Bash

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
A good arcade game based on a good cartoon. Nice graphics, simple but nice sound. It's fun to play, but the old woman can be bad luck. There are also drawbacks. The main one is the excessive simplicity of the levels, which can quickly make the game boring. The second is that Bugs himself and his enemies are drawn too small. Second name of the game: Happy Birthday Bugs
- Downloads: 17139
- Filelist [17]
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Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The

- • Genre: puzzle
- • Players: 1
The adventures of Bugs Bunny in the castle. Slightly reminiscent of Lode Runner and Goonies. You have to find a way out of the room without running into enemies. You can deal with the enemy by pushing a crate on his head or using a disposable weapon. An intriguing puzzle game.
- Downloads: 23495
- Filelist [45]
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Bump 'n' Jump

- • Genre: racing
- • Players: 1
Our goal is to stay on the track until the very end. This is made difficult by annoying rivals and numerous obstacles. And both of them will not arrange special problems, ride at your pleasure. The game is not addictive, but a few minutes of play is quite possible. Also known as Buggy Popper.
- Downloads: 5970
- Filelist [11]
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Burai Fighter

- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
Our hero is a man with a jetpack. A kind of Boba Fett from Star Wars. The game is a good scroller like Final Mission. We fly, shoot, manoeuvre. There is nothing good or bad to say about the graphics. The essence here is the gameplay.
- Downloads: 5701
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- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
In this simple game you control a certain burger lover and have to cook burgers. The levels consist of floors and stairs between them. On the floors are the ingredients for the burgers (two buns, a dill and a patty). You have to walk over them twice to drop an ingredient on the floor below. In the hero's hands is a dichlophos with five charges to use on enemies. The enemies in this game are colourful balls.
- Downloads: 3871
- Filelist [18]
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Business Wars

- • Genre: adventure
- • Players: 1
Economic strategy. The game has the longest introductory video on the console, and it's in Japanese. It will probably surprise you very much when I say that all the strategy is textual. There's not much in the way of illustrations. It's not worth playing.
- Downloads: 2054
- Filelist [2]
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