Download NES Games
Super Mario Bros.

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
The oldest game for the NES, but it's still fun! Mario sets out to rescue his princess who has been captured by a dragon, collecting coins along the way. He is opposed by walking mushrooms, flying turtles and ogre flowers. Enemies are killed by jumping on them. But that's not all. If you earn a prize, Mario can grow and learn to shoot. To get prize coins, you can try to climb up one of the pipes. The game has a 2-player mode, but you can only play in turns. The graphics are good, the sound is simple, but in this game it is not the main thing!
If you're bored with the usual Super Mario Bros., check out the hardcore hack "Frustration" and the Game Genie-enhanced ROM code IKAAAE, a code notable for making the game glitch unmercifully.
- Downloads: 593188
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Battle City

- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 2 (coop)
Before us is a game that leaves no one indifferent. The game is loved for its simplicity and fascination. You control a small tank whose main task is to destroy the enemy's equipment before it reaches your headquarters. There is a place for imagination - the authors give you the opportunity to create your own levels. You can play with two players. There are various improvements, the most interesting of which is the ability to transform into a more powerful example of an armoured vehicle. Also in this ROM set there is a Taiwan hack - Tank 1990, with the ability to "cut down the forest", new bonuses and more.
- Downloads: 422538
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Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

- • Genre: beat'em up
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Rare Limited
- • Year of release: 1993
This project is a fusion of two excellent games (Battletoads and Double Dragon, respectively). The result is an explosive cocktail that takes the best and eliminates the worst. Here you can choose one of five well-known players. Interest in the game only grows with time. The speed of the game is impressive, and the player will wind up like a toy car. The game world is beautifully designed and plays to the strengths of the NES. The levels impress with their originality. The player models are very well done. As well as the familiar characters, you can also see no less famous enemies from games like Battletoads and Double Dragon. Overall, the game is bright and exciting. It clearly left its mark on the best games for the NES. Best NES game according to the results of polls on the forum.
- Downloads: 355591
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Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Capcom Co., Ltd.
• Year of release:
1991 • Release Type: Released
Chip, Dale and their friends are back! Of all the Disney games developed by Capcom, this is probably the closest to the original cartoon series. Here we fight with Professor Nimnul's robotic dogs, chase away aliens that look like chipmunks, give under the gills to cheeky fighting fish, visit the factory of the cat Fathead - all as in the various series of the cartoon. We control Chip or Dale, and, when playing for two, both at the same time. Rodents deal with enemies by throwing all sorts of handy items lying around the levels at them. Rescue friends help from time to time: Rocky breaks down walls, Vzhik smashes enemies, and the kidnapped Fatty Guy offers valuable advice. In two-player mode, the dead chipmunk flies around on a balloon for a while, adding to the fun.
- Downloads: 350993
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- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 2 (coop)
It's hard to find a game that came from the arcade to the NES that was as great as the original. The timelessly popular Contra is a unique case in point. Contra is a run and gun game where you have to move around the levels shooting the enemy. You can play alone or with a buddy (which multiplies the impressions you get from passing by). The action is set in the year 2631. Two soldiers, Bill and Lance, are fighting against the terrorist organisation "Red Falcon". Your heroes can use various weapons (from assault rifles to lasers), but the best weapon is a shotgun that shoots scattered bullets. As well as the usual side-view levels, there are also those where we storm an enemy base from the rear. The Japanese version, Gryzor, is vastly superior to the American version: it has much better sound, more animations and story scenes.
- Downloads: 330586
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Darkwing Duck

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Capcom Co., Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
The same DarkWing Duck, the hero of the cartoon series. This game for us will always be wrapped in a light touch of nostalgia. Very good graphics, stunning jazz music. Seven levels: a bridge where we fight with Quackerjack, a city - where Wolfduck lurks, a sewer - the hideout of The Liquidator, a shipyard - the hideout of Megavolt, a skyscraper - where Professor Moliarty tests his infernal machines, a forest - the home of Bushroot and the ship of the main villain - Steelbeak. In addition to the gas gun, there are three weapons: a lightning bolt that flies in two directions, a hyper ball that scatters on the ground and an arrow that you can grab.
- Downloads: 312258
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Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Make Software Inc.
• Year of release:
1994 • Release Type: Released
The second Chip and Dale game. Levels have become more colourful, there are more pleasant and catchy melodies, battles with enemies and bosses have become more interesting, and controlling chipmunks has become much more convenient. Crates can now be thrown at an angle as well as straight up, and when you throw a crate with a run, it flies like a powerful projectile. In two-player games, you can grab your partner and throw them at the enemy. The levels are fewer in number, but more entertaining. There are two-player mini-games available right on the stages. Rescuers, go!
- Downloads: 245575
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project

- • Genre: beat'em up
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Konami Co., Ltd.
• Year of release:
Konami released this game specifically for the NES console. The 3rd part is basically similar to the second one, but it has a lot of improvements. The graphics have become even more beautiful, backgrounds, objects and enemies are drawn more clearly and in greater detail, and there is more interaction with turtle objects (for example, when the hero is flattened into a cake or covered in soot). Each of the characters has their own special techniques. You have to use them carefully - each super move will cost you one unit of health. The intriguing plot is presented in a cinematic style. A more than worthy sequel, a great game in the series.
- Downloads: 224477
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Duck Tales

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
A game about the adventures of the famous miser Scrooge McDuck. You can play the levels in any order. By pressing Jump+Hit+Down (after pressing you can just hold the Hit button and release the others) you will start jumping on the cane, avoiding damage from spikes, smashing rocks and stunning enemies. You can use the cane to move jars and throw round stones. During the adventure, Scrooge uses the help of friends and relatives. Once you have gained 3 million, you can heal once by pressing Select. For a better ending, gain 10 million. Extra health units can be found in the Himalayas (bottom left) and Transylvania (right behind the illusory wall). In terms of graphics and sound, the game looked very cool for its time.
- Downloads: 203862
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Tiny Toon Adventures

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Konami has made a lot of great games based on the Tiny Toon universe. This creation is one of them. We are asked to help the rabbit Buster save his friend Babs. But you don't just have to control the rabbit, you can change his ears to those of one of his three friends at the right moment. Plucky, the duckling, glides through the air on his wings; Dizzy, the Tasmanian devil, is a whirling hurricane; Furrball, the cat, climbs the wall to any height. It's not a complicated game, but keep your ears open: the enemies here are dangerous. This ruthlessly fun platformer will undoubtedly appeal to both those familiar with the cartoon series and those discovering it for the first time.
- Downloads: 199897
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Duck Tales 2

- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 1
A continuation of the adventures of Scrooge McDuck. One of his nephews finds a piece of an old map in the cellar of the estate. It turns out that McDuck's great-great-great-grandfather hid the family's legendary treasure in a mysterious place. One piece of the map is already there, another can be bought in the shop for the modest sum of a million dollars (useful things like extensions, safes and lives are also sold), and the remaining five must be found in each of the levels. Gyro Gearloose helps Scrooge by improving the properties of his cane so that it can break previously strong stones. To find parts of the map, you will need to be observant, looking for hidden passages in walls and exploring secluded areas. You can use the cake to fully restore your energy (select it from the start menu and press Select). The game is worth 5 points.
- Downloads: 176683
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- • Genre: action
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Rare Limited
- • Year of release: 1991
What a game! Battletoads is undoubtedly one of the best arcade games on the NES. But it's not just an arcade game, you'll also be racing super bikes, flying planes, running away from a flashing balloon... You play as Rash the Fighting Toad, who must free his mate Pimple and his girlfriend Princess Angelica from the Queen of Darkness' captivity. Lots of different levels. The graphics are not bad, the sound is good, dynamic. The difficulty is not too high either.
- Downloads: 175548
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Contra Force
- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 2 (coop)
Sort of an offshoot of Contra. It takes place in our time. We choose one of four characters and you can change them during the game. Each character has its own weapons and abilities, and the weapons can be upgraded. You can use the pause menu to change characters or call up a computer partner. The levels are amazingly varied. We explore the harbour, ride on boats, climb the ruins of a skyscraper and - watch out! - we go up on top of flying aeroplanes. Lots of destructible objects in stages. Sometimes the game slows down a bit, but this does not prevent it from being a great example of its genre.
- Downloads: 169253
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- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1985
Bomberman is the most famous character created by Hudson Soft. This is the first game with his participation. The rules are simple to the point of genius - you have to destroy all the unfriendly creatures on the level using bombs and then find a way out before time runs out. The blast from each bomb travels in four directions, so you need to be aware of this so you don't accidentally explode yourself. Also make sure you don't get trapped in a corner by a bomb. Bomberman starts out weak and feeble, but by picking up power-ups on each level you can pump him up quite a bit. It's an insanely addictive game that's a real thrill to play.
- Downloads: 166981
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters
- • Genre: fighting
- • Players: 2
The best fighting tournament on the NES. There are 7 characters: Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, street fighter Casey, dragon Hothead and the main villain Shredder. There is a story mode where you play as Turtle Fighter against his friends and Shredder, two player modes, games against the computer and a tournament mode where you can play whoever you want against whoever you want. Despite the small number of characters, the fighting is rewarding: the controls are responsive, the techniques are easy to execute, and the visual and sound effects are not bad.
- Downloads: 153833
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Felix the Cat
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
The hilarious adventures of the equally hilarious cat Felix, who has to rescue his girlfriend. The Professor has kidnapped Kitty again and is demanding a ransom - a magic pouch. Good sound accompaniment and cheerful graphics will keep you entertained throughout the game. Many picturesque levels - from forests and snowy mountains to underwater depths and outer space. By collecting upgrades you can get different weapons - a magician's suit, a car or a tank in normal levels; a balloon and a plane in air levels; a dolphin and a boat in water levels; a turtle and a bathyscaphe in underwater levels. A very good game.
- Downloads: 139893
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Aladdin (Hummer Team)
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Capcom Co., Ltd. • Ported by: Hummer Team
- • Year of release: 1995 • Release Type: Unlicensed
Ala-Ad-Din, the kidnapper of fruit and women's hearts, jumps straight from the pages of the legendary "1001 Nights" and the Disney cartoon onto the shoulders of Dandy the elephant. The resourceful Chinese (yes, it was in 1001 Nights!) throws apples at the palace guards, who have grown fat on the palace food, and at his head. But Jafar is no slouch himself! The road to victory leads through noisy streets and mysterious caves, raging rivers and ancient ruins. Even in the lamp, the genie will let you in and let you fly on the carpet with the princess. Originally released on SNES, it was unofficially ported to a weaker system. Even the music has been ported with love and soul. There are passwords between levels, so the fun can be spread over several evenings.
- Downloads: 136406
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Super C

- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 2 (coop)
The second part of the famous Contra series. Once again you will have to make your way through technogenic zones and forests, shooting at everything that moves, to save the world from an alien invasion. You can play together, which is even better, as enemies come from every corner and it's hard to escape on your own. From time to time, unidentified flying objects will appear, which you can shoot down to acquire more advanced weapons. And, of course, there is a boss at the end of each level! The game has relatively good graphics and sound.
- Downloads: 133893
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Super Mario Bros. 3
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- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
The creators of Super Mario Bros. were tasked with creating an incredible hit that would captivate gamers around the world and surpass previous instalments in the series in every way. They succeeded. Eight huge worlds, lots of different levels, a mountain of prizes, lots of interesting enemies, lots of secret locations, stunning scenery, addictive gameplay - all of this will keep you hooked. Each of the worlds has a map, and you have to choose levels by moving right on it. The mushroom and the flower are not the only ones - Mario can now wear animal costumes to fly, swim or fight. Prizes can be stored in a stockpile and retrieved when needed. On top of all this, SMB3 is packed with innovations. The first level allows two people to play Mario Bros. One of the best games on the NES.
- Downloads: 132346
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Prince of Persia

- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 1
An adventurer falls in love with a princess and she falls in love with him. They envision a lavish wedding, healthy children and a happy future. But this is not what the Vizier Jafar has in mind. In the Sultan's absence, he throws our hero into prison and offers the princess a choice - marry him or die. You have 60 minutes to escape the dungeon or lose your beloved forever. Exploration is an important part of the game. At the beginning, try to find a sword, you will need it. Scatter will help you jump to a greater distance. Dungeons are decorated with purple-blue colours and pleasant music. Passwords will help you return to the game the next day. A masterpiece.
- Downloads: 124685
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