Download NES Games
Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin

- • Genre: action-RPG
- • Players: 1
Arcade game. First, the view from above. We choose a place where we want to go, and then we go to these places and kill numerous enemies. The objective of each level is to kill the enemy, find the key and enter the door.
- Downloads: 4152
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Dragon Fighter

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Something between a platformer and a scrolling shooter. You start out as a child armed with a sword. Killing enemies replenishes your energy bar, and when you have enough, you can transform into a dragon for a while. Even in human form, the child can 'charge' an attack and unleash a powerful burst of energy. What it will be and what the dragon will fire depends on the child's colour. The colour can be changed by collecting a special bonus letter. The graphics are pleasant. The levels, although few in number, are very varied. There are 6 of them in total. While the first five levels allow you to choose where to run and where to fly, the last level is a pure scroll-shooter. It is impossible not to say something about the music - it is simply excellent! Great game.
- Downloads: 8324
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Dragon Power

- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
Arcade game. Go through different levels and fight with different enemies. The hero has a bow behind his back, but he doesn't just use it.
- Downloads: 3343
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Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu
- • Genre: action-RPG
- • Players: 1
Your hero, with a very small amount of health for a hero, walks around the area, eliminating enemies with magic (at first it's something like fire that you create by moving your hand). As the game progresses, the hero's abilities improve, giving the game a touch of RPG.
- Downloads: 3407
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Dragon Spirit: The New Legend

- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Now Production
• Year of release:
1990 • Release Type: Released
A scrolling shooter game. Fly on the dragon, kill the enemies coming towards you. From the defeated supostatov fall various bonuses: shot reinforcement, 2 dragon heads and other nice prizes. Your dragon can shoot fire and throw fire bombs.
- Downloads: 5664
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Dragon Warrior

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
The granddaddy of console JRPGs. Almost everything about it is painfully familiar now, but it was once a breakthrough. The plot is as simple as two pennies - the hero has to deal with the Dragon Lord and his army of infernal monsters. The only thing that is unusual for today is the quest element - key items have to be used manually, and sometimes you have to search the ground at locations. NPCs will not only speak empty phrases, but will also give you useful hints. And right from the start, you can go almost anywhere... if it weren't for the powerful enemies. By today's standards, the game is overdone with monotonous pumping.
- Downloads: 11690
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Dragon Warrior II

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
A quantum leap in everything! Three heroes instead of one, a much bigger world, better graphics and music, transport in the form of a ship, improved combat, more freedom to explore the world and a fascinating quest element. The story hasn't really evolved much - it's still the same standard good versus evil. If the first part laid the foundations of the JRPG, the second has greatly expanded and deepened them. Recommended to play.
- Downloads: 8803
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Dragon Warrior III

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
The third part has a lot of content and possibilities. But some of them are useless - the world of the game feels less integrated than in the second part. However, they have introduced such an interesting feature as day and night change, which changes NPCs in towns and enemies outside. There are now up to four heroes in the party. However, apart from the leader, they are now generated dummies, which is a step backwards in terms of character development. You can, however, assign and change their classes. In general, it's the same fairytale Dragon Quest about good fighting evil, so which part you prefer is up to you. There is an improved version of this game on the SNES.
- Downloads: 9573
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Dragon Warrior IV

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
Dragon Warrior series of role-playing games. The story revolves around several characters, spans five chapters, and then combines the entire plot into a single narrative. Each character has their own story and goals in this world. The King's Knight searches for missing children and learns that the monsters who kidnapped them are looking for a legendary hero. A warrior princess defeats everyone in a tournament, but when she returns home, she discovers that all the jewels are missing. An arms dealer goes in search of a legendary weapon. Sisters search for a legendary hero to avenge their father's death. And finally, the legendary hero who can fulfil a prophecy joins forces with other characters to save the world from the forces of evil.
- Downloads: 10045
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Dragon Wars
- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
RPG style game. You choose a hero from 4 classes (warriors, mages) and then start the game.
- Downloads: 2068
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Dragon's Lair

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
- • Developer: Motivetime Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1990
A remake of the famous arcade game Dragon's Lair. The original consisted of colourful video clips, resembling a cartoon, and the gameplay was linked to the actions of a drawn character. Nothing like that will happen on the NES, of course. But the lack of complexity was on full display here. The main character - the hapless knight Dirk the Daring - dies from almost every touch of an enemy, be it a monster or simply a closed door. Due to the size of the sprite, the character is attacked by everything in a row, and the game's controls are a little tight. Getting the clumsy knight through all the obstacles to the princess is a true feat of gaming heroism.
- Downloads: 8672
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- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
Scrolling shooter game. Fly around the planet cosmonvtom and shoot at different UFOs. The goal is to fly to a certain place.
- Downloads: 3577
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Duck Hunt

- • Genre: light gun shooter
- • Players: 1
Nintendo's all-time favourite duck hunting game. On the console it requires a light gun. So if you play on a PC, choose an emulator that supports this feature. The rules are not even worth explaining - you wait for the duck to fly out, aim and shoot. The hound will taunt you if you miss. The game has three modes: shooting ducks one by one, shooting ducks two by two and skeet shooting.
- Downloads: 28724
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Duck Maze

- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
Arcade game. Play as a duck. The aim of the game is to roll the egg down the level.
- Downloads: 4360
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Duck Tales

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
A game about the adventures of the famous miser Scrooge McDuck. You can play the levels in any order. By pressing Jump+Hit+Down (after pressing you can just hold the Hit button and release the others) you will start jumping on the cane, avoiding damage from spikes, smashing rocks and stunning enemies. You can use the cane to move jars and throw round stones. During the adventure, Scrooge uses the help of friends and relatives. Once you have gained 3 million, you can heal once by pressing Select. For a better ending, gain 10 million. Extra health units can be found in the Himalayas (bottom left) and Transylvania (right behind the illusory wall). In terms of graphics and sound, the game looked very cool for its time.
- Downloads: 202540
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Duck Tales 2

- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 1
A continuation of the adventures of Scrooge McDuck. One of his nephews finds a piece of an old map in the cellar of the estate. It turns out that McDuck's great-great-great-grandfather hid the family's legendary treasure in a mysterious place. One piece of the map is already there, another can be bought in the shop for the modest sum of a million dollars (useful things like extensions, safes and lives are also sold), and the remaining five must be found in each of the levels. Gyro Gearloose helps Scrooge by improving the properties of his cane so that it can break previously strong stones. To find parts of the map, you will need to be observant, looking for hidden passages in walls and exploring secluded areas. You can use the cake to fully restore your energy (select it from the start menu and press Select). The game is worth 5 points.
- Downloads: 175501
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Dudes with Attitude

- • Genre: action
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
The object of the game is to remove all the coins from the level. To do this, you must become the same colour as the coins.
- Downloads: 2032
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Dungeon Kid

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
In a time when the world was full of magic and brave knights drew their swords for good, there was a rich kingdom surrounded by seas and forests. In one of the kingdom's cities, Pixel, an evil sorcerer appeared and kidnapped little children. This went on for a long time until the hero arrived, whose mission was to stop the villain and rescue the captives. .... This is the plot of this role-playing adventure game. There are different game modes: dungeons are explored in first-person view, and battles take place on a separate overhead screen.
- Downloads: 1840
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Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
European-style role-playing game. Explore cities in search of work and learn magic. Runes of different elements can be combined to create new types of magic. Saves are available. 500 years ago, the kingdom of Granville was at war with the dark lord Darses. A great hero named Magee was well prepared and managed to defeat the villain. Peace reigned for a long time, but Magee himself grew old and died. And now Darses has been reborn to take his revenge... An ancient prophecy says: "When the dark shadow covers the world, the serpent's flame will be rekindled. The five will become one, the elements will call and hope will be born. And peace will be restored when the Five become one..... "
- Downloads: 2631
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Duo Bao Xiao Yinghao - Guangming Yu An Heian Chuanshuo
- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
- Downloads: 1629
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