Download Nintendo 64 Games
Bakuretsu Muteki Bangai-O

- • Genre: shooter
Arcade shooter. Very interesting mechanics of the game - your robot obeys the laws of gravity, so you need to constantly keep it in the air including the engines. You need to move and shoot from enemies in 8 directions. Different buttons are responsible for the directions of movement and shooting, so it is very difficult to play without a gamepad. There are 2 shooting modes:
Riki does more damage, Mami's are aimed by themselves after colliding with a wall. The original was only released in Japan, with a print run of 10,000 cartridges. A reworked version was later released for the Dreamcast.
- Downloads: 5326
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Bakushou Jinsei 64 - Mezase! Resort Ou

- • Genre: board game
Console version of The Game Of Life, a variation of Monopoly. Released only in Japan.
- Downloads: 2237
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- • Genre: platformer
A 3-dimensional platformer. Starring Banjo the bear and Kazooie the bird. The story starts with the kidnapping of Banjo's sister Tooty by the ugly witch Gruntild. During the rescue process you will be assisted by Bottles the mole and Mumbo Jumbo the shaman. The game became one of the most popular on the console, thanks to its interesting plot, excellent graphics and music, and good humor.
- Downloads: 21669
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- • Genre: platformer
A sequel to the excellent game from Rare. The story begins 2 years after the victory over Gruntild'a. On a dark night her sister rescues Gruntild from the rubble. Now she appears before us as a skeleton who wants to get a new body with the help of Big-O-Blaster.
On the technical side there are few changes - they improved the already excellent graphics. The plot and the trademark humor are again on top. It is very interesting to play.
- Downloads: 13551
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Bass Rush - ECOGEAR PowerWorm Championship

- • Genre: simulation
"Powerful Worm" is a fishing championship in which you will take part. There is a full range for avid fishermen: 3 huge locations, divided into many points, where you can spend your time sitting at the rod, a wide range of baits: wobblers, twisters and much more, plus all in different configurations, in short, all that so bites fish. What else is the most important in the game of such themes - it is a fish, not just a fish, and which is difficult to catch, as well as in life. Here, I'll tell you, fighting for each copy, which is still to find that need to be, and lure, so patience in hand and forward.
- Downloads: 3712
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Bassmasters 2000

- • Genre: simulation
A new version of virtual fishing. This activity is a bit boring, first of all, because of not very dynamic gameplay and the very meaning of the game :). However, the graphics in the game is very good, so why play at least a couple of times - maybe you will like it?
- Downloads: 3465
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Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker

- • Genre: beat'em up
The game is based on the cartoon of the same name. It represents the usual beat'em up, in its worst incarnation. We go from left to right, beating the same type of enemies. There are only 4 levels in the game, which with skillful handling pass in 25-30 minutes. Terrible graphics, music and gameplay. A definite candidate for the title of the worst Batman game.
- Downloads: 20034
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- • Genre: shooter
In 2001, the Earth is struck by a virus that kills women. Countries begin to fight for safe zones from the virus, which ends in nuclear strikes and almost complete destruction of civilization. We play as Griffin Spade leader of one of the gang of survivors - whose girlfriend was kidnapped by the US government. In the course of the search, we travel around the United States and fight other gangs.
You have a choice of 3 tanks on one of which you have to pass 17 levels. The game has a large selection of weapons to destroy opponents.
- Downloads: 9782
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BattleTanx - Global Assault

- • Genre: shooter
Continuation of good action on tanks. The plot develops around the kidnapping of the protagonist's son, who has telepathic abilities, by a crazy woman controlling gangs of survivors in Europe. The action this time takes place on the territory of European countries. The choice of tanks is huge - 11 pieces + 1 secret, each has special abilities. Technical execution of the game remained at the same good level.
- Downloads: 21383
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Battlezone - Rise of the Black Dogs

- • Genre: strategy
Space action movie. You control a ground combat vehicle, and use it, of course, for combat purposes. You can play as Americans, Soviet citizens, or "black dogs". Controlling the machine is not the easiest, and the gameplay "thanks" to the rather specific graphics looks somehow not very good. The game is for 1 or several players.
- Downloads: 2683
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Beetle Adventure Racing!

- • Genre: racing
Races descended from the slipway monster Electronic Arts. All cars in the game are Volkswagen New Beetles.
There are only 6 tracks, but they are very detailed and it takes at least 6-7 minutes to pass each track.
In the Australian version of the game (HSV Adventure Racing) all cars are replaced by HSV (Holden Special Vehicles).
Graphics and music on a very high level. One of the best races on console.
- Downloads: 10474
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Big Mountain 2000

- • Genre: sports
A game for fans of downhill skiing. Graphics and sound are on a good level, so the game is quite suitable for everyone who likes skiing or snowboarding. These two types - downhill skiing or boarding - are used as game modes. Your hero (a choice of 6 characters) starts on a track with three competitors (well, or you can just practice setting records). It is clear that on the tracks you should try to avoid meeting with trees or rocks, as well as maneuver to accelerate and successfully pass the corners. The game is for 1-2 players.
- Downloads: 4755
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Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.

- • Genre: fighting
Fighting. The creators of the game tried to create the most contrived characters, apparently wanting to impress the imagination of the player. Well, the characters really look very cool. The fights are also of high quality - full three-dimensionality, the ability to jump and even fly, a good set of blows and punch combinations - everything for the fighting soul is there :). There aren't many good fighting games on Nintendo64, so you can play this one and compare it with others.
- Downloads: 9358
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Blast Corps

- • Genre: action
The truck transports spoiled nuclear warheads. In the process of transportation there is a leak of nuclear fuel, the truck must move to the finish line in a straight line - your task is to clear the way for him in a limited amount of time to avoid disaster.
In the game there are a lot of means for destroying buildings that interfere with the movement, starting from the usual bulldozer and ending with a flying robot.
However, here you should not only stupidly destroy everything in a row, the levels are something like three-dimensional puzzles. It's quite difficult to explain it - it's easier to try. Gameplay is very interesting, you will not be disappointed. Besides, the game has just excellent graphics and sound.
- Downloads: 6467
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Blues Brothers 2000

- • Genre: platformer
The game is based on the failed 1998 movie of the same name. It's a regular 3D platformer. You in the role of the protagonist Elwood have to reassemble your jazz band after escaping from prison. Very average game in technical terms, with unresponsive controls. On the plus side, you can only put down the good blues music. Since there are much better games of this genre on the console, you can safely skip this one.
- Downloads: 4024
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Body Harvest

- • Genre: action-adventure
Shooter from the 3rd person. The game is created by the authors of megapopular GTA III. You are a super-soldier Adam Drake, who returned back in time to stop the invasion of aliens. The action of the game takes place in 4 time and geographical sections: World War I in Greece, World War II on the island of Java, 60s in the USA and 90s in Siberia.
The game features a wide variety of weapons, enemies and the ability to control over 60 vehicles.
Average graphics and music are compensated by a very interesting and long gameplay.
- Downloads: 8754
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Bomberman 64

- • Genre: platformer
The first 3-dimensional version in the history of the Bomberman franchise. A mix of platformer with the classic gameplay of the series. In terms of gameplay changed a little - there is an opportunity to pump the bomb to make it cause more damage. But this bomb, unlike the usual one, cannot be picked up or kicked. The plot of the game is as follows: Bomberman's home planet is attacked by a family of space pirates and tries to destroy all its inhabitants. In order to get to the villains' ship and punish the guilty, you need to disable its protective fields.
Graphics and sound are made at a good level, but to the best representatives of the genre are understretched.
- Downloads: 11574
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Bomberman 64 - Arcade Edition

- • Genre: arcade
The game was released only in Japan. An example of classic gameplay with slightly improved graphics.
- Downloads: 13134
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Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack!

- • Genre: action
A continuation of the 3-dimensional adventures of Bomberman. The main innovation in gameplay is the ability to grow a Pommy sidekick.
In the plot, the hero finds a strange egg and takes it to his spaceship. Soon he is attacked and comes to his senses in a prison. Suddenly, a strange creature named Pommy hatches from the egg, with the help of which Bomberman escapes from imprisonment and begins to take revenge on his offenders.
Technically the toy does not differ from the first part, so the graphics and sound are at an average level.
- Downloads: 17190
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Bomberman Hero

- • Genre: platformer
The bomber is back in action. Now the game looks more like a real action movie than a usual running around within the allotted playing field. Although there is enough running around here. Of course, the main weapon is bombs, which can be laid and thrown, thus bringing enemies in a state of terror. Of course, the possibilities of three-dimensional graphics clearly went in favor of the game, in any case, the gameplay became interesting and sufficiently diverse.
- Downloads: 8154
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