Download Nintendo 64 Games
Super Mario 64

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Of course, a console with the Nintendo name on it couldn't help but have toys featuring Mario. There are several of them on the N64, but the only real adventure toy is this one - Super Mario 64. In the Fly Kingdom, the villain Bowser is on the rampage again, and that means only one thing - Mario is in for a rough ride. And the brave Italian plumber (as well as a plumber and plumber in one person, plus a superhero) goes on a journey, starting from the castle of Princess Peach. Mario, using his rich heroic experience, is able to run fast, jump high, swim and dive deep, poke enemies, etc., etc., etc. In general, the enemies will have a hard time. Three-dimensional graphics and high-quality sound are included.
- Downloads: 151322
- Filelist [27]
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Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
It is not unreasonable for someone to consider this game the best game ever made. The plot is as follows: Link was the only one who didn't have a fairy of his own... And so the sacred tree sent him a magical friend to go on another heroic adventure. This is, as usual, saving the world from the villain. Graphics and sound, as well as gameplay and controls - all very cool and interesting. Toy in made in the style of quest\adventure, so it will surely find a lot of fans. There is a Russian version.
- Downloads: 136788
- Filelist [65]
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Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
A great game about Link's adventures in a country full of magic - sorcerers, fairies and other magical creatures. The toy pleases with its high-quality graphics and excellent gameplay. The plot will definitely not make anyone bored. So, Link has 72 hours to prevent a catastrophe in the form of a meteorite fall. First of all, he has to get Ocarina to manipulate time. From there, the main part of a very interesting adventure begins. Nothing but "super" comes to mind :)))))) There is a Russian version.
- Downloads: 77000
- Filelist [28]
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Mortal Kombat Trilogy

- • Genre: fighting
- • Players: 2 (pvp)
The game collects Mortal Kombat's of previous years. The toy is intended primarily for numerous fans of this series of cool fighting games.
- Downloads: 64347
- Filelist [35]
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Mario Kart 64

- • Genre: racing
Very simple and uncomplicated circular races with Mario and his friends. The toy is made very well, but very simple, the game action is not particularly exciting. The speeds are not crazy, the opponents do not throw sparks from their eyes - in general, everything is peaceful and calm.
- Downloads: 56907
- Filelist [32]
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Super Smash Bros.

- • Genre: fighting
- • Players: 2 (pvp)
Fighting. It's rare to see Samus Aran kicking Donkey Kong's ass or Mario beating up a whole crowd of Yoshi dinosaurs with all his might. The set of fighting skills of each hero meets the high standards of a quality fighting game, graphics and sound are also very good. However, in my subjective opinion, such famous heroes are somehow not suitable for the fighting game genre. Training mode is present.
- Downloads: 55110
- Filelist [21]
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Resident Evil 2

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
The most famous horror/action/quest game in N64 version. All around, except for your heroes and several other characters, are zombified by a terrible virus. You will have to break through the ranks of bloodthirsty enemies, performing all sorts of tasks and overcoming traps. The game is made very cool (although, of course, there are some problems with the sound and the final screensavers). The gameplay is very interesting and exciting from the first to the last minutes. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 51828
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- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
It's hard to imagine any gaming platform without Spider-Man. And the N64 version is definitely not the weakest one. Maybe the hero's control is a bit overcomplicated, but in general the game looks great. Spider fights mostly with his hands and legs, and of course, he has his trademark web for all occasions. The plot of the game is also quite interesting and is presented in the form of a comic book, which has a great effect on the atmosphere. Graphics in the game is just gorgeous. Highly recommended.
- Downloads: 51792
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Fighting Force 64

- • Genre: beat'em up
It's a pretty good action movie. Your heroes fight with organized crime and other bad citizens. Graphics and sound are decent, and the gameplay, although simple, is nevertheless quite spectacular and interesting. The main weapons of the fighters are their strong fists and heels, and you can also use improvised objects and weapons. Enemies are full of them, they attack usually in a crowd, but real heroes are not scared by this, right? Recommended for fans of teeth-grinding brawls.
- Downloads: 48861
- Filelist [5]
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Rayman 2 - The Great Escape

- • Genre: platformer
Excellent adventure game. Your hero Rayman escapes from the prison, where he was imprisoned by insidious enemies. Reimen is able to shoot light beams (apparently, that's where his name comes from), which helps him to fight with enemies. Naturally, the gameplay is not limited to just running around, you must also collect useful things, free your friends and so on. Graphics is just excellent, the game looks like a real cartoon. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 48465
- Filelist [5]
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Mortal Kombat 4

- • Genre: fighting
Does anyone still have doubts whether to play MK4 or not? Of course, it's worth a try. Fighting in three-dimensional graphics, made very, very cool. All familiar fighters and their super techniques are available. The quality of graphics and sound at an excellent level, which only adds positive emotions from cool fights. And of course, there is a game mode for several people.
- Downloads: 46346
- Filelist [11]
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Pokemon Stadium 2

- • Genre: strategy
A rather goofy toy. Various creatures from numerous Pokémon TV series fight in turn-based battles on small playfields.... and that's it. The game has no plot and development - you choose where to fight, choose who to fight and that's it. The game does not make a special impression, although it has good graphics.
- Downloads: 41977
- Filelist [8]
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GoldenEye 007

- • Genre: FPS
The famous movie in the form of a 3D action game from Nintendo. The game follows the plot of the movie (of course, with some additions and changes). So, Bond must eliminate a former associate and his henchmen with the help of a Russian citizen. The number of missions is large and varied, their difficulty depends on the selected difficulty level. Graphics and sound are at an outstanding level, which makes the game one of the best on N64.
- Downloads: 39854
- Filelist [18]
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Road Rash 64

- • Genre: racing
What happens if a group of badass bikers armed with anything (sticks, chains, electric shocks, etc.) are released on the big road? It would turn out to be the most murderous motorcycle showdown in the world of games - Road Rash. The game turned out to be extremely cool on N64. In Big Game mode 38 tracks are waiting for you, from simple and short to long and full of restless policemen. Naturally, for prizes and combat activity on the tracks you will get money, which you can then spend on a new motorcycle. Graphics and music on the five. The toy is recommended to everyone.
- Downloads: 39090
- Filelist [5]
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Conker's Bad Fur Day

- • Genre: action
Absolutely wacky toy in the genre of black (blackest black) humor. So, your hero had a very bad day. Having drunk to hell, he wakes up unknown where and in a completely broken state. Naturally, now he has to figure out what to do and generally understand what, in fact, the matter is. Well, the hangover is trifles, but that's where this crazy adventure starts. Graphics and sound, as well as video screensavers are made at an excellent level. That's why the toy and takes a lot of space, but do not regret - the game is worth it. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 38109
- Filelist [2]
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Doom 64

- • Genre: FPS
The game is a legend in the field of FPS, came to the console from PC, where it was very popular. In its time it brought fresh ideas to the genre and made it popular. Its main feature was a large arsenal of weapons from ordinary, like everyone's favorite shotgun, to tricked-out futuristic guns, "kindly" borrowed from the enemy evil. There are countless evil things to fight off: zombies, hellish skulls, all sorts of mutants, each trying to snatch a piece from you. Labyrinth-shaped levels, on which you will have to run, are also impressive: a lot of moves, traps, hidden places, in short, there is something to do and where to go. The only omission the authors made when creating the game for 64th is the lack of demonstration of your state, using the hero's face, which reacted to all external shocks, only its percentage calculation remained.
- Downloads: 37059
- Filelist [11]
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Donkey Kong 64

- • Genre: action
Who played the three parts on the SNES, he will probably play this one too. As usual, the villain King K. Roll puts the Kongs to all sorts of tests - he has a pathological passion for stealing bananas and Donkey Kong's friends. So the valiant Donkey, aided by old geezer Cranky Kong, goes into battle. Screensavers, 3D graphics, Dolby sound - everything is done at the usual high level (you can't expect anything less from Nintendo). Donkey, as a true primate, is able to crawl deftly on palm trees and vines, quickly run through the jungle and knock on the heads (and other organs) of enemies with his powerful fists. And, of course, barrels are also present. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 35360
- Filelist [14]
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Paper Mario

- • Genre: RPG
Essentially, the game is an RPG with quest elements. The characters of the Mario series are made in "paper" form, as well as the surrounding landscape. It does not spoil the graphics at all, but adds originality and unusualness to the gameplay. So, Mario and Luigi receive a letter from Princess Peach, who invites them to the Sabantui. However, in the midst of the meeting the princess' castle is attacked by something strange, and in addition Bowser appears. He knocks Mario out (who would have thought...), and he falls out of the sky to an unknown place. In his dreams, he sees strange talking stars. From there, the adventure begins. Mario runs here and there, fights with enemies, looks for different things, talks to characters and uses their help - in general, the action is interesting.
- Downloads: 34108
- Filelist [3]
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Earthworm Jim 3D

- • Genre: platformer
The earthworm is making a comeback! Although he didn't go anywhere :) If you've played Jim the Worm on SNES or elsewhere, you'll undoubtedly appreciate this game. It is made in the usual humorous style, with plenty of tricks, fully three-dimensional and with excellent soundtrack. The gameplay is customarily interesting, so the toy is recommended to everyone.
- Downloads: 32066
- Filelist [7]
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Killer Instinct Gold

- • Genre: fighting
Most qualitatively emulated in a combination of emulator 1964 with video plugin Rice version 6.1.0 (although this may be a moot point, but still). The toy is a logical continuation of the fighting game on SNES. It has a dozen characters, which are drawn very well. The fights between them look great, but provided you manage to customize the graphics.
- Downloads: 32038
- Filelist [18]
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