Download Nintendo 64 Games
In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64

- • Genre: simulation
Fishing. You can play as a fisherwoman or a fisherman ;-)
You can fish for fun or take part in the championship. To be honest, not a very interesting toy.
- Downloads: 3850
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Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

- • Genre: action-adventure
- Downloads: 5527
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International Superstar Soccer '98

- • Genre: sports
Another representative of the glorious series of soccer simulators. The game is made in the same style, so for a collection of soccer ROMs (which are not in abundance on Nintendo64), it will probably work :).
- Downloads: 3199
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International Superstar Soccer 2000

- • Genre: sports
The best soccer simulator for N64. Play national teams from all over the world - you can play World Cup, European Championship, World Series. Graphics and gameplay at the highest level - the realism is almost one hundred percent, which is not often happens with soccer simulators. There is also a Career mode - in fact, it is a separate game, where you must create a player and make him a player of the national team through training and games. It is recommended for all soccer fans.
- Downloads: 7386
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International Superstar Soccer 64

- • Genre: sports
Not as good as the 2000 version, but contains all the usual elements of this game series - friendly matches, world league, scenarios, training. The graphics have some minor inaccuracies (in particular, the shadows of the players), which gets in the way a bit. But otherwise everything is great, including the jaunty "TV" commentary. The game is for 1-4 players.
- Downloads: 2316
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International Track & Field 2000

- • Genre: sports
A sports simulator from Konami. If you want, it can be considered an Olympic simulator, as the sports presented in the game are Olympic. You start by choosing a name and the country you want to represent, and then start competing. The controls vary from sport to sport, so it will probably take some time before the results become close to world class. As for the graphics, even using different plugins doesn't help to get rid of some glitches and slowdowns. A good option for graphics: a combination of the 1964 emulator and the Rice plugin version 6.1.1.
- Downloads: 3827
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