Download Nintendo 64 Games
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
It is not unreasonable for someone to consider this game the best game ever made. The plot is as follows: Link was the only one who didn't have a fairy of his own... And so the sacred tree sent him a magical friend to go on another heroic adventure. This is, as usual, saving the world from the villain. Graphics and sound, as well as gameplay and controls - all very cool and interesting. Toy in made in the style of quest\adventure, so it will surely find a lot of fans. There is a Russian version.
- Downloads: 136780
- Filelist [65]
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Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
A great game about Link's adventures in a country full of magic - sorcerers, fairies and other magical creatures. The toy pleases with its high-quality graphics and excellent gameplay. The plot will definitely not make anyone bored. So, Link has 72 hours to prevent a catastrophe in the form of a meteorite fall. First of all, he has to get Ocarina to manipulate time. From there, the main part of a very interesting adventure begins. Nothing but "super" comes to mind :)))))) There is a Russian version.
- Downloads: 76997
- Filelist [28]
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Cruis'n World

- • Genre: racing
It is made in the spirit of the last part (Cruis'n USA), except that the races are conducted all over the world, and one of them takes place even on the Moon. There are also significant improvements: it takes much less time to recover after collision with another car, music accompaniment became much more interesting. There is a feeling that opponents have become smarter, but now it is not necessary to take the first place, it is enough to get into the top three. Beware of poles and trees - entering them slows down for a few seconds. The control is a bit abrupt, the car rushes back and forth. The game is good - the best part of the trilogy.
- Downloads: 8728
- Filelist [12]
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- • Genre: platformer
A 3-dimensional platformer. Starring Banjo the bear and Kazooie the bird. The story starts with the kidnapping of Banjo's sister Tooty by the ugly witch Gruntild. During the rescue process you will be assisted by Bottles the mole and Mumbo Jumbo the shaman. The game became one of the most popular on the console, thanks to its interesting plot, excellent graphics and music, and good humor.
- Downloads: 21584
- Filelist [17]
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Resident Evil 2

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
The most famous horror/action/quest game in N64 version. All around, except for your heroes and several other characters, are zombified by a terrible virus. You will have to break through the ranks of bloodthirsty enemies, performing all sorts of tasks and overcoming traps. The game is made very cool (although, of course, there are some problems with the sound and the final screensavers). The gameplay is very interesting and exciting from the first to the last minutes. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 51827
- Filelist [3]
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Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko

- • Genre: platformer
Chameleon Hex is in action. He will have to collect different useful things, for which you need to overcome a whole bunch of different levels, full of dangers, traps and enemies. The game is made very well and interesting, the graphics look just fine, and the sound is not bad. Fans of beautiful run-and-gather games will surely appreciate it.
- Downloads: 12771
- Filelist [4]
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- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
It's hard to imagine any gaming platform without Spider-Man. And the N64 version is definitely not the weakest one. Maybe the hero's control is a bit overcomplicated, but in general the game looks great. Spider fights mostly with his hands and legs, and of course, he has his trademark web for all occasions. The plot of the game is also quite interesting and is presented in the form of a comic book, which has a great effect on the atmosphere. Graphics in the game is just gorgeous. Highly recommended.
- Downloads: 51791
- Filelist [2]
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StarCraft 64

- • Genre: strategy
Yes, yes! This is the famous StarCraft, a super strategy game about the wars between Earthlings, Protoss and Zerg. Who doesn't believe, can play it and make sure. All parts of the original game are present in the game. Graphics, music, heroes - everything is made absolutely the same as in the computer version. Well, it is hardly worth telling about the gameplay. However, we can briefly remind you: with the help of two types of resources (minerals, vespen-gas) the opposing sides fight until the complete destruction of one of the parties or achievement of a certain goal. Missions replace one another, they are complex and varied. There is also a game mode for multiple players. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 25113
- Filelist [8]
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Disney's Tarzan

- • Genre: platformer
Good game. Especially pleased with the excellent three-dimensional graphics and excellent detail of the jungle and other places where characters like Tarzan live. To avoid glitches, we recommend Project64 version 1.6. The gameplay is quite simple - Tarzan runs back and forth, collecting special icons, letters of his name and parts of pictures, which then allow you to play on bonus stages. Three difficulty levels.
- Downloads: 23686
- Filelist [9]
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- • Genre: racing
There was this superfast race on SNES, and now it was brought to N64. There are no special super-principled changes in it - you have to drive forward as hard as you can, leaving behind persistent rivals.
- Downloads: 11822
- Filelist [17]
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Conker's Bad Fur Day

- • Genre: action
Absolutely wacky toy in the genre of black (blackest black) humor. So, your hero had a very bad day. Having drunk to hell, he wakes up unknown where and in a completely broken state. Naturally, now he has to figure out what to do and generally understand what, in fact, the matter is. Well, the hangover is trifles, but that's where this crazy adventure starts. Graphics and sound, as well as video screensavers are made at an excellent level. That's why the toy and takes a lot of space, but do not regret - the game is worth it. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 38107
- Filelist [2]
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Toy Story 2

- • Genre: action
The game is based on the cartoon of the same name and in some ways is a cartoon itself. Excellent three-dimensional graphics only strengthens this impression. Gameplay is quite simple (at first), but then the game becomes more and more interesting and exciting. The toy is recommended for fans of cartoon characters.
- Downloads: 21123
- Filelist [6]
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Super Mario 64

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Of course, a console with the Nintendo name on it couldn't help but have toys featuring Mario. There are several of them on the N64, but the only real adventure toy is this one - Super Mario 64. In the Fly Kingdom, the villain Bowser is on the rampage again, and that means only one thing - Mario is in for a rough ride. And the brave Italian plumber (as well as a plumber and plumber in one person, plus a superhero) goes on a journey, starting from the castle of Princess Peach. Mario, using his rich heroic experience, is able to run fast, jump high, swim and dive deep, poke enemies, etc., etc., etc. In general, the enemies will have a hard time. Three-dimensional graphics and high-quality sound are included.
- Downloads: 151317
- Filelist [27]
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Star Wars Episode I - Racer

- • Genre: racing
Races based on the first episode of Star Wars. Remember, there was an episode when Skywalker raced with a local bargainer (or his assistant, I don't remember :) ) so, the first track of the game by its appearance and architecture resembles the one on which the action of the movie took place (I remembered the last minute of the races from the movie all my life). The rest of the tracks are made up, but it's not that important, they still look great and fit well into the game. The feeling of speed never leaves during the races. The graphics are good, the music is familiar, what else do you need for happiness? Be sure to play this game, it's one of the best races on the Nintendo64.
- Downloads: 21767
- Filelist [10]
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Wonder Project J2 - Koruro no Mori no Jozet

- • Genre: simulation
A simulator of raising a robot girl in a somewhat unusual style. The main heroine is a maiden, but the game must be controlled by a strange bird, with which this maiden is traveling. Just in the spirit of folk tales.... There is an English version.
- Downloads: 5625
- Filelist [3]
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- • Genre: platformer
A sequel to the excellent game from Rare. The story begins 2 years after the victory over Gruntild'a. On a dark night her sister rescues Gruntild from the rubble. Now she appears before us as a skeleton who wants to get a new body with the help of Big-O-Blaster.
On the technical side there are few changes - they improved the already excellent graphics. The plot and the trademark humor are again on top. It is very interesting to play.
- Downloads: 13511
- Filelist [4]
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Duke Nukem 64

- • Genre: FPS
The same Duke Nukem, which can be played on PC. Of course, the version for N64 has its own peculiarities, but in general the game is absolutely the same.
- Downloads: 15274
- Filelist [13]
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Mario Party 3

- • Genre: board game
The best of the Mario Party series. The number of mini-games has increased, they have become diverse and even more interesting. Passing through the maps has also become more elaborate and complicated. The main goal is the same - on each map you need to earn as many Gold Stars as possible, or defeat your opponent in the duel map mode.
- Downloads: 16685
- Filelist [6]
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Mario Party

- • Genre: board game
The first of the parts of a fun entertaining game. Mario and his friends compete on the maps, somewhat reminiscent of Monopoly. But here you don't need to buy companies and build houses. Heroes must collect Gold Stars, and only the one who for a certain number of moves will collect the most of them, will be declared the winner. After all players make a move, they participate in a mini-game, and there are many of them in Mario Party, from simple to complex. The game is very interesting and relaxing.
- Downloads: 9720
- Filelist [6]
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Rayman 2 - The Great Escape

- • Genre: platformer
Excellent adventure game. Your hero Rayman escapes from the prison, where he was imprisoned by insidious enemies. Reimen is able to shoot light beams (apparently, that's where his name comes from), which helps him to fight with enemies. Naturally, the gameplay is not limited to just running around, you must also collect useful things, free your friends and so on. Graphics is just excellent, the game looks like a real cartoon. Recommended for everyone.
- Downloads: 48465
- Filelist [5]
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