Download NES Games
Battle Storm
- • Genre: strategy
- • Players: 2
An eight-bit RTS where all combat actions of the opposing sides take place in online mode! The battlefield is placed on a single screen, with two enemy bases at opposite corners. The goal - to break through the tanks to the other base and destroy it! You need to control all the equipment at once and monitor the situation: destroy the enemy, get surrounded, escape from the shelling. To help the tanks, there are helicopters, planes, anti-aircraft guns and direct rocket attacks from the base. There are no complaints about the game. The difficulty can be fine-tuned by the number and quality of the units, as well as the starting capital of both sides.
- Downloads: 6028
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Battle Tank
- • Genre: simulation
- • Players: 1
Excellent tank simulator with a "cockpit" view. You will have to move around the field looking for enemy vehicles by using your radar. In addition to tanks, helicopters and enemy buildings, there are also mines on the field, which you should avoid. At the base you can repair your tank, refuel and replenish your ammo. You have two main types of ammunition - machine gun ammo and much more effective grenades (but they are harder to hit). There are also powerful homing missiles and a smoke bomb for retreating. You need to plan the whole mission properly, only then is success guaranteed. The sounds announcing the approach of enemy tanks are particularly appealing - get ready for battle!
- Downloads: 23545
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- • Genre: action
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Rare Limited
- • Year of release: 1991
What a game! Battletoads is undoubtedly one of the best arcade games on the NES. But it's not just an arcade game, you'll also be racing super bikes, flying planes, running away from a flashing balloon... You play as Rash the Fighting Toad, who must free his mate Pimple and his girlfriend Princess Angelica from the Queen of Darkness' captivity. Lots of different levels. The graphics are not bad, the sound is good, dynamic. The difficulty is not too high either.
- Downloads: 174633
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Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

- • Genre: beat'em up
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Rare Limited
- • Year of release: 1993
This project is a fusion of two excellent games (Battletoads and Double Dragon, respectively). The result is an explosive cocktail that takes the best and eliminates the worst. Here you can choose one of five well-known players. Interest in the game only grows with time. The speed of the game is impressive, and the player will wind up like a toy car. The game world is beautifully designed and plays to the strengths of the NES. The levels impress with their originality. The player models are very well done. As well as the familiar characters, you can also see no less famous enemies from games like Battletoads and Double Dragon. Overall, the game is bright and exciting. It clearly left its mark on the best games for the NES. Best NES game according to the results of polls on the forum.
- Downloads: 354016
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Best of the Best - Championship Karate

- • Genre: fighting
- • Players: 2 (coop)
"The Best of the Best, remember that film? No gangsters, kidnapped girls or elderly sensei - just sport. Sparring, knockdowns and the roar of the stands are all present in the eight-bit game of the same name. Training that improves strength, endurance and reaction, a multi-stage championship mode and the ability to play together. And all your achievements (from the fighter's personal characteristics to the number of victories) can be recorded in the form of a nine-digit password! The game's arsenal includes about 10 different punches. Good graphics and detailed animation (the movements of the fighters are on a par with those in Prince of Persia) together with a really sporty gameplay mechanic make this fighting simulator a real hit.
- Downloads: 17347
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Big Nose Freaks Out
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
This game was released in 1992 by the famous company Codemasters. It is a very pleasant arcade game in which you control a big-nosed caveman. He rides around the levels on what looks like a skateboard, jumping, hitting enemies with wood and collecting bones. The game is of very high quality, with interesting levels, cool music and cute humour.
- Downloads: 21734
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Big Nose the Caveman

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
An exciting arcade game. We play as a caveman with a club. He moves around the levels, collecting prizes and fighting enemies. There is nothing revolutionary about the game, but there are no major drawbacks either. Everything is in its place. The graphics and sound are quite good.
- Downloads: 16180
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Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
A Konami platformer with an interesting idea. We play as a baby Upa. He crawls through the levels and hits enemies with a rattle. When they touch the rattle, the enemies swell up and become like "balloons". You can use the balloons to fly, climb to high places or smash into enemies and bosses. The levels look like a child's fantasy - the ground looks like icing, platforms in the air are made of candy, and sometimes you even travel inside a giant cake, eating your way forward. In the end, you have to defeat the evil goat-horned ruler and free the magical land. The game looks childish, but everyone will be fascinated by it.
- Downloads: 5826
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Bionic Commando

- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
A very original arcade game, a remake of the game of the same name on the machines. We play as a special agent who must prevent the atrocities of the Nazis, who are back after the Second World War. Run through the levels, killing enemies of the nation. The game has a lot of things you will not find in similar games. Firstly, we move around the world map from one point to another, and there are places you can't get to without finding the right items. Secondly, there is no jumping in the game. This is replaced by a special device - a biomechanical arm that allows you to grab and move. This is one of the most interesting games on the NES. In the Japanese version, the plot involves modern Nazis resurrecting Hitler himself. This is not the case in the American version - the Fuehrer has been replaced by a regular abstract villain.
- Downloads: 21218
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Blades of Steel

- • Genre: sports
- • Players: 2
Great game, one of the best sports simulators on the console. The game is fun and exciting. We can control not only the strikers but also the goalkeeper. At the end of each half, you can't help but be amazed at the crazy score on the scoreboard. Sometimes there are as many as 15 pucks. The arcade features are fun. If you want, you can beat up any player on the pitch.
- Downloads: 34508
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Blaster Master

- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
The company SUNSOFT has created many first-class games, and Blaster Master is one of the most famous. It is a combination of side-scrolling platformer and top-down shooter, also in an open world. We control a combat rover called "SOPHIA Nora", as well as a human pilot who can leave the rover at any time and fight on his own. In side-view locations, we mainly travel in the rover, and to enter bunkers where you can only see from above, you need to be a pilot. In the bunkers, we play from a top view, and our human character is larger. In the main rooms we fight bosses, and when we defeat them we get upgrades for our tank. The upgrades will give the Rover new abilities that will allow it to enter levels that were previously inaccessible. The pilot's weapon can be pumped, which is sometimes necessary to defeat bosses. The game's graphics and music are excellent. Each composition accurately emphasises the atmosphere of a particular location. Blaster Master is one of the jewels of the NES.
- Downloads: 38794
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- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1985
Bomberman is the most famous character created by Hudson Soft. This is the first game with his participation. The rules are simple to the point of genius - you have to destroy all the unfriendly creatures on the level using bombs and then find a way out before time runs out. The blast from each bomb travels in four directions, so you need to be aware of this so you don't accidentally explode yourself. Also make sure you don't get trapped in a corner by a bomb. Bomberman starts out weak and feeble, but by picking up power-ups on each level you can pump him up quite a bit. It's an insanely addictive game that's a real thrill to play.
- Downloads: 166158
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Bomberman II

- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 3 (coop)
The sequel to Hudson Soft's cult creation. The meaning of the game remains the same, but there is a new story. Bomberman has been framed and is now in prison. Naturally, our hero escapes and tries to restore justice. The game is divided into large levels, each with a unique arrangement of walls and enemies. The level is made up of 8 sublevels - rooms that we have to actively blow up. In the second Bomberman, you can not only play alone, but you can also have a three-player battle (if you have a device that can connect three gamepads). In Europe, this game is known as Dynablaster.
- Downloads: 72387
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Bram Stoker's Dracula

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Before us is a game incarnation of Bram Stoker's popular novel "Dracula", based on the 1992 film. The story of the game is a free retelling of the adventures of lawyer Jonathan Garker. A young man tries to escape from Dracula's lair, fights against evil, and sometimes comes face to face with the master himself. The real plus of the game is the perfectly executed oppressive atmosphere of the levels; frightening, breathing danger, the corners of the castle, beautiful, dark scenery. The music also makes a difference, spurring the player on from time to time with an unsettling sound. Each level consists of two parts, with night sooner or later replacing day. If you want to complete the whole game, set the difficulty to 'hard' in the options, otherwise you will only be able to complete half of it.
- Downloads: 24251
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Bubble Bobble Part 2

- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 2 (take turns)
A game with a unique style. Our goal is to trap all the enemies in bubbles and then burst them. Despite the fact that all the levels are on one screen and there are 70 of them, the player never gets bored thanks to the great design and creativity of the developers. We have several possibilities of the dragon: blowing normal bubbles, jumping on bubbles, inflating and blowing triple bubbles, inflating completely and flying on the air stream. There are several dozen prizes to be won, from inflating your bubbles and increasing your speed to entering bonus games. There are three bonus games: volleyball, collecting diamonds, basketball. Special bubbles with different properties (lightning, fire, stars, acid) also help us in the game. The bosses are excellent and the battle strategy is different everywhere, as well as being prepared to fight with them weapons. Also in the game did not forget about combos - the more bubbles with enemies burst at the same time, the bigger prize will appear on the screen (for points give important lives). There are a lot of different enemies in the game. The music is melodic and soothing. The graphics are also top notch, with some animated backgrounds. The game is complex, but fascinating.
- Downloads: 18205
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Bucky O'Hare

- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Konami Co., Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1992
A game based on the comic of the same name. The plot of the game is immediately intriguing - the sneaky toads have captured the entire crew, except for Bucky, and taken the four friends to four different planets. Of course, the bunny captain has to rescue them. The beauty of the game is that the other astronauts are just as playable as their captain. You can replace one character with another by pressing 'Select'. If you press and hold the attack button, you'll also find that the heroes have special abilities. And when you save the whole team, you will find that the most interesting part is yet to come.... The levels will impress you with their beautiful graphics and dynamic effects, and the stylish and beautiful music will not leave you indifferent.
- Downloads: 41787
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Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The

- • Genre: puzzle
- • Players: 1
The adventures of Bugs Bunny in the castle. Slightly reminiscent of Lode Runner and Goonies. You have to find a way out of the room without running into enemies. You can deal with the enemy by pushing a crate on his head or using a disposable weapon. An intriguing puzzle game.
- Downloads: 23457
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Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92

- • Genre: sports
- • Players: 8
One of the best Olympics on the NES. High quality and fun Olympics. Thanks to the efforts of the developers, you can feel the spirit of competition - and that is the main feature of the Olympics. We have 18 disciplines, many of which are not found in similar games: lifting weights, jumping over a horse, hammer throwing, etc. The graphics and the music are impressive. The characters are well drawn. It is true that there is a small choice of countries to play for. The game allows eight people to play at the same time (one at a time). On the downside, there are high minimum scores for passing, and it is better not to look at the world records at all.
- Downloads: 17638
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Captain America and the Avengers
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2
A platform game about the adventures of the superheroes of the Avengers team from Marvel Comics. Two characters are at your service: Captain America and Falcon Eye. The villain Mandarin has captured Iron Man and the android Vision, and you must free them. Both superheroes are travelling through the cities of America, their path is visible on the map. Cap uses his powerful throwing shield against the enemies, while Falcon Eye uses his slightly less powerful arrows to destroy the invaders. Each character has their own advantages: the Captain has special moves, while the Archer's arrows reach enemies Cap can't. The characters are not very powerful at first, but you can pump them up by collecting power crystals. Despite a certain monotony in terms of graphics, level design, music and enemies, the game is interesting and never boring. There is a 'Battle Mode' where you can fight bosses and the second player controls them.
- Downloads: 79479
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Captain Skyhawk

- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
Alien villains have built four bases on Earth and one in space to siphon energy. You must destroy these bases as well as the alien warehouses. In stages 3 and 7, the super speed engine allows you to fly at double speed. If you find it difficult to move so fast, you can reduce the speed by pressing Select+Down. After completing the mission, fly to the satellite where there is a shop with new weapons (machine gun upgrade and 3 types of missiles). Pressing Arrow+Select will allow you to turn while flying. Interesting game, worth downloading.
- Downloads: 13028
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